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Thread: My journey for the perfect sectional!

  1. #101
    AZJoe Guest

    Default Re: My journey for the perfect sectional!

    Quote Originally Posted by drcollie View Post
    A perfect description of Garfield. And yes, its a bit on the 'slick' side, which will dissipate over time and use.

    Firm on the seat end? As in the front edge of the sectional? It normally would be as you have a hard edge underneath and as you come back into the piece you go onto the 8-way hand-tied spring grid which has some give to it. All pieces 'settle in' somewhat and are stiff when new. You'll see a big difference in the way they sit after 6 weeks of use.
    No. Physically on the last seat towards the arm on the long section. Definitely noticeably firmer. It isn't a problem or anything, just an observation.

    Yes, those screws need to come out. Shame on the delivery company for not removing those...I will send them an email on it. On every sofa section there are appx (10) screws that are # 2 Square Drive which hold and support the piece in the cardboard outer. That wood frame keeps intrusions off the piece during shipping. There are only two reasons for leaving the screws behind, both caused by incompetence. One is they didn't have a # 2 Square bit driver and tried to use a Phillips #2, which strips the head, and the other is they didn't know how to unpack it properly and broke the wood away rather than removing the screws. I suspect when you look at them the heads are stripped (reason # 1) and then you have to get Vice Grips to rotate out the screws (You can see I've done this a few times )

    I figured as much. That will be my project for today I

    All the furniture is jig-built so its very rare for it to be not level. Floors in the other hand, especially tile and wood floors, are rarely level. The only way to tell for sure is to place the ottoman on a dead flat surface like a metal table. If you can stick some felt pads (available from most any hardware store) on the bottom feet of the ottoman that will usually suffice on tile, and if you get a rug for that are then the rug will effectively self-level everything.
    I would bet on the tile as well. However I noticed when they placed down the first piece of the sectional, the inner most foot(in the corner), was off the ground like the frame was a bit "tweaked" but if they assemble them in a jig with both pieces of the sectional secured together, I can see why. Once put together it fits amazing.
    Yes, cushions ALWAYS need adjusting after the movers bring them in. They just lay them in the piece. Remove them and line up the velcro strip on the back, then reach over the top of the cushion and tuck the cushion in from the bottom. That's how you set them properly. You can adjust the angle of the back by where you fit the velcro strip on the back. For a more vertical sit, place the velcro higher. For a more inclined sit, attach it about an inch lower. Always tuck in from the bottom. Remind me and I'll make a video of how to do that!

    Ok, I will be doing this today. So are you saying put the seat bottoms on first, then go at the back cushions? Then tuck the bottom of the back cushion, behind the back of the seat cushion? Additionally I assume all the cushions both seat, and back are the same other then the corner?

    Glad you like the sectional, send photos!
    I am going through some pics now. I will post them in here, and if you want to add them to the gallery so people can see Garfield Fawn that works. I can't believe I don't see more pieces in this hide, it is really pretty remarkable. Pictures are going to do it no justice. It looks like it cost a It is also MUCH softer then I expected, I love it. My wife sat on it and exclaimed, "WOW! this is soft. She also said "You did good" haha

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: My journey for the perfect sectional!

    If that one core is problematic, just drop me a photo so I can see which position it is on the sectional and I'll get a new replacement out to you right away. Zip in, zip out and toss the bad one in the trash.

    Inner feet on sectionals (and sofas) are non-structural supports. Its the ones at the far corners that actually support the piece. Often inner feet will be intentionally left so they don't touch to avoid have a piece 'teeter-totter' on the floor. You may have plastic screw adjusters on the bottom of the Sundance Sectional (not sure, can't remember exactly), just take a little weight off the corner and reach under and screw them down to level if needed.

    Yes, pull ALL the cushions off the piece. Set the bottom ones first. Align the front, tag it to the velcro, then push down only at that back corners until its set. Then go to the top cushions. Set the velcro so its even at no higher than the top of the 'catch' part of the velcro panel, then push the cores in only at the bottom. Adjust the angle as desired by attaching the velcro either higher or lower. If you look carefully most every cushion as a dedicated spot - that is they fit best in only one locations. The Delivery Company may have mixed them up. Some will have a small extra curve in one place to fit into a specific spot, etc. When its all done right, it fits like a glove. Fussing with it is required!

    I knew you'd like the Garfield. Its one of the richest and most colorful hides in the line.
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  3. #103
    AZJoe Guest

    Default Re: My journey for the perfect sectional!

    Got ya. I will pull them off right now, and try and find their correct location. Too bad they didn't take notice of this.

    Here are some pics. I tried to get a good range of angles to show some of the architecture, and also flash/no flash, different levels of flash, etc to show off the variations in color, and depth of the hide.

    Now that the sofa is in place, we can begin decorating so excuse the lack of

    There are about 30 pics so here is a link to the whole gallery.

    30 by Impreziv1, on Flickr

    1 by Impreziv1, on Flickr

    21 by Impreziv1, on Flickr

    3 by Impreziv1, on Flickr

    7 by Impreziv1, on Flickr

    8 by Impreziv1, on Flickr

    17 by Impreziv1, on Flickr

    9 by Impreziv1, on Flickr

    26 by Impreziv1, on Flickr

  4. #104
    AZJoe Guest

    Default Re: My journey for the perfect sectional!

    I redid the cushions. I am going to have to try again. The bottoms don't match up to the backs.

  5. #105
    organic_smallhome Guest

    Default Re: My journey for the perfect sectional!

    That is one stunning sofa. No question about it.

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: My journey for the perfect sectional!

    Looks GREAT. Excellent fit on the sectional back, too. Nice and tight. Keep fiddling with the cushions, they're kind of like a jigsaw puzzle, there is only one right way for them to all go in. Even so, perfect alignment will only occur once when you set it up for photos, first time its sat in they will go lightly askew.

    Get a nice rug for under the ottoman and you'll really enjoy the setup, and dampen out some of the harsh echos you probably have in the room as well.
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: My journey for the perfect sectional!

    Looks like you were watching "Salt" with Angelina Jolie when taking the photos!
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  8. #108
    AZJoe Guest

    Default Re: My journey for the perfect sectional!

    Quote Originally Posted by organic_smallhome View Post
    That is one stunning sofa. No question about it.
    Quote Originally Posted by drcollie View Post
    Looks GREAT. Excellent fit on the sectional back, too. Nice and tight. Keep fiddling with the cushions, they're kind of like a jigsaw puzzle, there is only one right way for them to all go in. Even so, perfect alignment will only occur once when you set it up for photos, first time its sat in they will go lightly askew.

    Get a nice rug for under the ottoman and you'll really enjoy the setup, and dampen out some of the harsh echos you probably have in the room as well.
    I do want to get a rug. Do you have anything that would work?

    The hide is beautiful and I'm impressed everytime I see it. Nice and soft.

    It smells like a leather store in my living room.
    Quote Originally Posted by drcollie View Post
    Looks like you were watching "Salt" with Angelina Jolie when taking the photos! wife was. That sofa makes my 58in plasma look tiny.

    It fits really good. I have 40in on the one wall and 48in on the other.

    I did redo the cushions and have them looking better. Still not sure there right. Maybe a number on the cushions and seat bottom would help.

    I also caught my first nap on it The sofa is pretty comfortable. No complaints there, especially given the style of it. It actually isn't as deep as i thought it was going to be, possibly due to my seat back positions.

    It is probably me being anal, and a worrier, but I hope it wears well. The leather seems so rich, and luxurious, it makes me feel like it is going to wear out

    I look at this thing and am still amazed at it. I really like it with the dark nail.

    I wish I would have ordered pillows with it. I am kicking myself in the hiney right about now, for not ordering them with the sofa.
    Last edited by AZJoe; 06-13-2011 at 12:30 AM.

  9. #109
    bubbaonline Guest

    Default Re: My journey for the perfect sectional!


    That's gorgeous..

    What were the outside dimensions of that piece? Length and width is all...

  10. #110
    AZJoe Guest

    Default Re: My journey for the perfect sectional!

    Quote Originally Posted by bubbaonline View Post

    That's gorgeous..

    What were the outside dimensions of that piece? Length and width is all...
    Thank you!

    I will measure it when I get home from the gym. I think it is actually a bit smaller then the dimensions on their site. I had figured I would have less of a walkway between the 2 walls. It ties out I have over 40" on both sides.

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