
I'm new to this forum, and thank anyone in advance who might be able to help.

My husband and I are looking for a deep seat leather sectional (ala RH model) and have seen a few for sale in stores in the Orlando area. Can't say I'm impressed yet, although one store sells Classic Leather sofas, and swears this is the way to go. They don't have a floor model with a deep seat.

The same store is also getting a RH rip-off, (I mean look-alike) floor model from Omnia and the salesman says the quality is 'alright.'

On the internet I've found RH copies from a company called Casco Bay...(Can't look at the actual model or SIT in in person, so am not convinced, tho the sales pitch via internet is impressive.)

We're looking for an American made, 8-way hand tied sectional that will WEAR for years. My husband wants a 40+ inch deep seat, (ala the RH sectional.)

Drcollie, your posts are excellent! I know you're a fan of H&M, but I can't imagine finding anything they have well priced?

I LOVE the Brandington-Young chair we bought in Hickory about 7 years ago, but they don't have deep seating and I understand they're now made in China?

My dilemma is clouded by our last sectional decision! About 8 years ago we went to Hickory, North Carolina and bought a custom ordered sectional made my Century from the old Boyle's store. Spent a huge bunch of money, (on an upholstered sectional) and it's been awful! Debate about whether the issue is the coils in the cushions, or the frame. Anyway, learned the name isn't everything. We'll be donating this sectional to the first anyone who will come and get it!

Thank you to anyone who can help in this process! It's a big decision for us and I'm trying to get it right.