Leather Groups spends a lot of time on its cushion, and that looks nice but only has a 1 year warranty. Cores never fail on 12 months..lol. And they use no-sag springs for construction. Pass.

Casco Bay is covered elsewhere in the forum, do a search.

If you want the REAL DEAL, made right and built to last.... the H&M Settlement sofa is the one.

Quote Originally Posted by kitkat View Post
Drcollie and anyone interested,

These are the two companies who have the leather sectional I'm talking about. Obviously this is a Restoration clone. The RH one is made in China and we want American made.

The first company is Leather Groups. They call it the Langston. On this page they show a short video that not only shows dimensions but more importantly some of the construction.

The second company is Casco Bay. They call the same leather sectional the Manchester. On this page they not only show the specs but many many photos of the hardwood frame, 8 way hand tied construction, and more.

Here's the page http://cascobayfurniture.com/pages.p...ath=11&pID=131

If you scroll down the page you'll see in gray type:

Click here to see actual photos of our 8 way hand-tied construction. Amazing photos.

Lower down the page...

Click here to see actual photos of a sofa being made in our North Carolina factory.


Click here to see actual photos of our hardwood frame.

The dilemma is that the Company is in Maine, or New Hampshire and this factory is in North Carolina. We want to see and sit on any couch before buying it. A gentleman from the company phoned me and was very reassuring (as any saleman or rep should be), and offered that if we weren't satisfied we could pay a 500.00 shipping fee to return it. (shipping is free from both companies.)

On the other had Leather Groups is a very big company and sells many lines of furniture. They say the frame is hardwood, but 'reinforced' and that they use heavy gauge spring suspension. I read that 8 way hand-tied is optional at no charge. On another thread on this website you said that wasn't possible, (conversation was about this exact company) and that they can't just do 8 way without retrofitting.

I've found several other companies who sell them but only one other American one. It's name is Comfortable Couch, what appears to be a small company. http://thecomfortablecouch.com/default.aspx

As far as the size goes we have a bit of room to move in all directions, but the deep seating is the most important aspect. We have a RH store in our town and my husband has been wanting that deep seated sofa forever!

Thank You for your help on this!