We found the (high back) Sundance sofa more comfortable than the (extremely gorgeous) Carmen sofa.

We have not decided upon a sofa yet for our living room, or for sure, whether we will get one at all to replace our 9 year old Bradington Young sofa. We were thinking of the power reclining Sundance but: a) it is expensive compared to the non power b) I heard that it may not be as comfortable, or as long lasting, as the stationary H&M sofas (8 way hand tied and all).

H&M has some gorgeous (I repeat - gorgeous) sofas and they all sit (slightly to greatly) different from one another. We are fortunate to have a large H&M dealer in Denver where we have had the opportunity to "test sit" on 15 or so different H&M sofas. What is frustrating is what is comfortable for me is not to my wife, and vice versa. To find one that is: a) pretty and b) comfortable for both of us - is going to be a challenge!

Good luck! It's all so fun isn't it!