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Thread: Sofas with GREAT lower back support

  1. #1
    zork52 Guest

    Default Sofas with GREAT lower back support


    I'm brand new here and stumbled on this forum just trolling for info. I'm 58 with the trickiest lower back yet very active and when I sit on good furniture with good support, I'm fine. I have a 2003 Toyota Tacoma and if I could put that seat on a sofa.............I plan on keeping the truck for a long time.

    I'm currently weighing my options with either an Ekornes (Space Large) Stressless chair w/tilting ottoman that I love near 2K and "some type of sofa" or an Ekornes Space Large Sofa as one solution with no single chair. Trouble is, I NEED the tilting ottoman which ever way I go with Ekornes cus that's how the Space models fit perfectly for me. My lower back is really curved so I can only recline so far where I'm fine and after that it has a negative effect for me. Trouble is with the Ekornes sofa, I would still need to buy the ottoman. In the store I pull the ottoman right up to the front edge of the chair, recline about 40 degress and it's total bliss. Total bliss. I sat in it for almost an hour and I was ok.

    So my dilemma, either spend the 5K on the Ekornes Space High Back 3 seat sofa and then another 1K for a couple Stressless ottomans, or just get ONE chair with ottoman at 2K and find a GREAT sofa from ANY manufacturer about 80-90 inches preferably more comtemporary style BUT with GREAT FIRM seating cushioning, so I can Lay down on it, sit on it, but then move to the Ekornes chair when needed. My living room is about 16 x 12, so not huge. It would also be for no more that 2 guests at a time. My two friends for watching sports. Other than that I'm home alone most times. I always worry about how company that I may never have will like the seating....................

    One leather sofa I saw that I kind of liked and it sat almost firm enough for me was Legacy Leather, the Santa Fe model in a real rugged classic looking leather, I think it was Moca Dark Chocolate or something like that. It looked like an old bombadier jacket with cool scuff marks. That leather looked really thick and felt it too, almost like a blanket. On the negative side, that couch felt HEAVY when I picked up one side of it. The back cushions can be removed and are connected to the seat cushions as one pull out unit but just a little too tight in my opinion if you want to slant that back cushion down more for your lower back. One other Legacy model in the store had a little more slant room with the same type of set up. This Santa Fe sofa was "marked down" to about 2K from 2200. I wanted to research the Legacy-Leather website for all their products, but the site is "under construction". I liked the leather on this couch better than ANY other leather sofa I looked at, and I looked at tons so far by BY and some others.

    I sat on a couple of El Ran leather recliner sofas, one was a little better that the other but the leather felt "brittle" and shiny and the cushioning felts too light, and that it would really go downhill over time, but couches were both under 2K in leather.

    I"m not looking to buy a 5K sofa unless I just go with the Ekornes Space 3 seat in Large.

    I know this email sounds kind of confusing as to what I want, so the short point; is there a GREAT, reasonably priced leather sofa that gives GREAT lower back support should I decide NOT to get an Ekornes sofa.

    Also, what do you guys know from a non biased view about how the Ekornes Paloma leather holds up vs. Ekornes Battick?

    I'm in Massachusetts and my home email is which I will see quicker but will check back here too.

    I never new a furniture forum like this existed.

    Thanks in advance to any responders.
    Last edited by zork52; 03-05-2012 at 08:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: Sofas with GREAT lower back support

    I think you've already answered your own questions! You know what you want - and its a matter of dollars at this point. While no one likes to outlay any more than necessary, experience tells me that you should get what you like. Take care of it with regular maintenance and it will last a long time, probably longer than your Tacoma (I have a Tacoma, too!).
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  3. #3
    zork52 Guest

    Default Re: Sofas with GREAT lower back support


    thanks for the reply. I kind of know that but also can accomplish what I need with a chair alone, BUT space rescrictions indicate a sofa as the all in one solution. I like some of the smaller leather sofas that I've seen. Especially that Legacy Santa Fe sofa. I did see a recent post by a woman who just ordered some of that furniture and your comments with others about maybe part of the process is from China? The leather tanning part?

    Ironically, I'm a huge animal lover as far as the poor cattle go, but NOT a vegetarian either. I like some of the fabrics in microfibers, but I know leather will outlast them all.

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