I’m back on my leather sofa search after having to take a hiatus from the project. This time I honestly hope I can place an order.

Some background refresher: I originally started a post several months ago (I think it was called "first post ready to pull the trigger") in search of a new leather family room sofa. I am convinced there is no reason to look further than Hancock and Moore. The main criteria for the sofa are to be deep and long (inside measurements). I made several inquiries about customizing the Settlement sofa but ultimately decided that it just sat too high and would not work. So it was back to the drawing board.

In the months between holidays and family birthday obligations, I was able to narrow other possibilities down to the longer 9444 City, Evening, Kodiak and Clivedon sofas. Fortunately, during my hiatus, we were able to sit in the City sofa. While the depth and length was ideal, the height of the sofa fell quite short especially for my tall, lanky sons.

Now I am in a quandary, as the other sofa styles have pros/cons all around. I’ve continued to read forum posts - it appears as a general consensus that they all sit similar. I also know that “customizing” a sofa is “risky” and can get costly but hoping I can get some input. Here are the problem areas:

1. Evening – probably my favorite “style wise.” The inside width and height works but wishing it was deeper. Is there any way to make the inside depth deeper? I realize there is a variance to published measurements but not sure if that applies to measurements all around. I would be happy with about a 2” increase to make it in the 23” range. (not sure if I am being too particular about measurements but our current sofa is quite deep- almost 29” – so when I see a 21.5” depth, I panic as we love deep sofas - even though I realize that a leather sofa will naturally sit differently from our current over-stuffed fabric sofa.) Cost? Also have seen customers make cushions straight across, can I get a cost?

2. Clivedon – the height and depth of this sofa is ideal but the problem lies in the inside width. Any way to make it longer? like around 5"? (This might be too complicated as it would require a change in the entire frame, springs, etc. but gotta ask just in case.) Cost? The cushions on this sofa seem curved also, can they be made straight?

3. Kodiak – is an alternative “as is” if customizing other two sofas is out of the question. It would be a full compromise on measurement components but with only a couple inches variance when comparing to other sofa measurements, it would be acceptable. (Side note: it’s probably my least favorite “style wise” but not out of the question.)

This should get me moving in the right direction. Hoping to be able to mark this project "done" once and for all. And Duane, you appear to be the "Go to Man!" who knows his stuff so will look forward to your reply. Thanks so much.