Purchased a 3-piece sectional by Braddington Young three months ago, which was finally delivered 10 days ago. We opted for fabric instead of leather as it was such a large piece, we were afraid it would be too much leather in the room. We also opted for self welting as the sales rep said it helps keep the shape of the cushions (even though we wanted no welting for a more modern look) we also asked for extra firm cushions, so the sales rep asked for no down in the cushions as she assured it this would result in very firm cushions, which is what we wanted.

Well the couch looked great for about a week, and now 10 days later, the cushions seem to have noticeable indentations and are flattening out quite a bit. The covers of the bottom cushions seem too big for the inserts and are sliding around, so the welting/piping does not line up with the edge of the insert. We have been rotating and adjusting the cushions every couple of days, but it only looks good for a bit. Plus the cushions don't seem to support your back as well as before. The back cushions, by the way, are full and plump and look great.

I thought I was being neurotic but both my husband and my father pointed out the same thing--that our new couch looks like it's been sat on for years already. Both my husband and I work full time, so we've only sat on it a few hours in the evenings. We have no children or pets and have had guests over once, so it can't possibly be from overuse. We also don't eat in the living room, so no spills that could cause the fabric to stretch.

The floorsample we sat on and ordered from was leather and looked amazing. We figured the fabric one would be as great looking. I'm concearned because even though we paid close to $6000 for it, it is looking very sad and this was an investment piece we were hoping to keep around for a long time. Did we make a mistake by opting for fabric instead of leather? Since leather does't stretch--maybe this helps keep the shape better. When you ask for no down fill, do they put a different material in it's place? We opened up the zippers and only see a cushions with no batting or other material around it to plump the cushions. Should we have opted for no welting so if the fabric slides around, it's not as noticeable? What is the best way to remedy this?

Need some advice as we are afraid of going to the furniture store without some information. Don't want to get pushed into doing the wrong thing. Going this weekend to speak to manager.

Thanks a million!!