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Thread: Duane? aniline

  1. #11
    Laxplaya7974 Guest


    Hey, I went to look on the website for those leathers and could not find them, am I missing something? I could not find any "Broadways" or "Columbus", I found a Columbia Molassas, is that the leather?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA


    The reason you can't find them is your local dealer has 'coded' his leathers so you can't price shop the store. There is nothing in the H&M line called "Columbus" or "Broadway".

    The second word is the 'color'. So "Molasses" is probably accurate, but there are several leather series that use that to describe a color, so its difficult to say with complete assurance that their 'Columbus Molasses" is really "Columbia Molasses", but it would seem to make sense.

    The H&M leathers on the website are 100 % current and the correct names. I've never believed in coding leathers or style names, because to me it means you're trying to hide something from the customer, and it makes it very difficult to order a matching piece down the road (for example, you move across country and want a new chair to go with your sofa) or get repair dyes from Leathermaster because the selling dealer went coded on you originally.

    The only reason to ever do it, as a dealer, is because you know that you're are not price competitive.
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  3. #13
    Laxplaya7974 Guest


    This is completely speculative, but so that people can give opinions for Gus, If it is the Town and Country City Sofa, then it would make sense that "Grandview Mocha" = Cavalier Mocha, Grade 2. I am guessing that "Columbus Molassas" = Columbia Mollasses because I believe it is the only Grade 1 using Molasses. The "Broadway Nugget" is a little bit harder, but I would think it is the Antelope Nugget, Grade 3, since that was the only Grade 3 Nugget I could find. This is all speculative, so it could be wrong!

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