Mr. Collie (or any other furniture connoisseurs):

I am looking to purchase my first couple of pieces of mid- to high-end leather furniture and was wanting to ask for your advice in which manufacturers that you would personally recommend. I see that you deal with Classic Leather, Hancock & Moore, Bradington Young, and (previously) Leathercraft, but have you had any experience with Smith Brothers of Berne? Many of the Classic Leather and Hancock & Moore pieces that I have seen are a bit out of my current price point, without being heavily discounted, and Smith Brothers are much more obtainable for me. Would you recommend Smith Brothers of Berne? Are there any other quality manufacturers, that aren't quite as expensive and Classic Leather or H&M, that you could recommend? I understand that the cheaper price results in price cutting: detailing, tailoring, etc, but being one who cannot afford the best of the best and cannot tell the difference in the stitching or small details, I am ok with that. Ultimately, I just want a good looking leather living room set, that I can afford, that has the potential to last me 15 or more years (with proper care and maintenance, of course).

Also, would you happen to know of any good fine furniture dealers in the Columbus, OH area? The couple that I have visited are fairly small and do not carry much of an inventory for me to view, and Arlington, VA is a bit too far of a drive for me right now. I'd appreciate any help you could offer.
