Hi, I was *THIS CLOSE* to buying an 8 ft RH Belgian Track Arm sofa in Berkshire Cocoa leather today... but, the price ($4500 on sale) coupled with the quality and customer service issues I've heard about with this company are giving me serious pause. My husband LOVED the Belgian track arm in store (we only sat on the linen version). We really liked the depth and the single cushion seat (no cracks to fall into!). FYI - this is our first couch-buying experience. We want something good quality for the price, but we don't necessarily expect it to last 25 years either.

So. What are our alternatives? I see that Casco Bay furniture left some negative impressions with folks here. I was also looking into the Comfortable Couch Company. We're in MD so we could visit the Keeping Room, but DH is pretty sick of trying out couches at this point, so I want to be sure before suggesting any more trips..

I'm guessing an 8 ft leather H&M is way out of our price range of $3000-4000.. Are there alternatives you'd suggest that offer better quality and similar comfort to the RH Belgian Track Arm? I looked at the H&M website but I am overwhelmed.. wayyyyyy too many styles to look through. We just want something with the RH look - deep cushion, straight arms... comfy and good quality, soft, matte leather...

We've looked in a ton of local stores but have yet to find anything that combined comfort with the style we were looking for (until we sat on the RH sofa). Everything in Room & Board, Arhaus, Ethan Allen, Pottery Barn, and Crate and Barrel was uncomfortable. Z-Gallerie seemed cheap (but I'm no expert of course). Our local Hamilton's sofa gallery had a very comfortable reclining Palliser that we almost bought, but ultimately decided it wasn't what we were really looking for style-wise. Nothing else in the store passed my husband's comfort test. I know we tried other places that I'm forgetting, too... We have been looking for over a year now.

The other issue is that we really want to get this sofa by early November. We have family coming to stay with us, and our current futon has to become a guest bed by then. Yikes! Help? Should we just order the RH?