First off, hello and nice site!

Alright, i want a reclining sectional and have been looking locally. The "good" / known brands i found locally are Lane, Southern Motion, La-z-boy, and Flexsteel. Out of those i liked the Flexsteel the most. However it was a Flexsteel (Downtown 1710). I have the brochure on it and you can configure it however you like. Problem is, i searched online and see people talking about the Flexsteel Latitudes and how they are made in China and a lower quality furniture. How do i know if this particular sofa is classified in the Latitude line? The brochure mentions nothing about Latitude and Flexsteels own website has nothing about Latitude that i can i missing something? The price on the Flexsteel i was quoted was $3,287 + tax and delivery fee (includes a 20% discount). This is for a RAF reclining loveseat, armless recliner, armless chair, wedge, LAF recliner.

As you can see my options locally are very limited. I want a durable sofa with comfort. I already went the cheap route about 5 years ago and see where that got me. My budget is around $5k. I want to buy a quality piece rather than buying junk that might last 5-8 years at most. I need the following in my sectional, going from the left to right...Chair or recliner, wedge, recliner, chair, loveseat (with recliner) or double loveseat, whatever works there on the end / long wall.

Can anyone help or provide any insight?

Thanks in advance for any help.