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Thread: Grade 1 Hancock & Moore

  1. #1
    JahBless Guest

    Default Grade 1 Hancock & Moore

    Looking at Hancock and Moore sofa and/or sectional and trying to stay within a budget that allows grade 1 leather. What is the best quality for the grade? I see several members commenting on grade 2 and higher but not much on grade 1. I looked at the descriptions but cannot decide and would appreciate some advice and opinions.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: Grade 1 Hancock & Moore

    Grades are pricing grades based on what H&M has to pay the supplier for the leather, they have nothing to do with quality. It gives H&M a way to group leather costs into categories. Obviously leathers that are tanned in China are going to be less than those done in Italy, or Germany as the work force in Europe is more expensive.

    If I were buying GR 1 today for myself, I'd probably get something in GUNNER or HUTTON, and I really like the new MOMENTUM but there are only a few color choices. COLUMBIA is nice, but has some sheen to it - which today is a bit out-of-fashion. I'd avoid CHALLENGER and SUPPLE, they're kind of commercial-feeling.

    If you decide to go GR 2, then ANGELO is one I happen to like a lot, as well as ASPEN.

    You buy the leather based on color, hand and gloss. Durability won't vary.
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  3. #3
    JahBless Guest

    Default Re: Grade 1 Hancock & Moore

    Thank you. I was looking at Hutton, kip and gunner but leaning towards Hutton. I was wondering/concerned where the hides were sourced and where they are tanned. I cannot find any info on either.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: Grade 1 Hancock & Moore

    Those are all USA crusts shipping to China for the tanning process.
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  5. #5
    JahBless Guest

    Default Re: Grade 1 Hancock & Moore

    Does that matter. Are any grade 1 tanned in europe, South America, etc?
    Also I s it more of a concern where the hide originates or where it is tanned

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Default Re: Grade 1 Hancock & Moore

    Is it more of concern to who? You have to decide what is more of a concern to you. I believe I saw something from Duane in the past that there are no tanneries in the US. If you are looking for eco friendly, no chemicals, tanned leather probably isn't it. That is probably why there aren't any left in the US from what I have read.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: Grade 1 Hancock & Moore

    Let me ask you this....what is the "Concern" about where the leather originates? Is this real or imagined?

    You cell phone that you have in your pocket or purse, and put to your head everyday comes from China, so does your iPad or your Laptop. Likewise your running shoes from Nike, Adidas, etc. Do you have concerns about them as well? I hope not - because there are few alternatives!

    Leathers coming out of China are very, very consistent. You can count on them being nearly identical from batch to batch, even years later. Now take Italian hides in comparison - they're all over the place in color and texture and nearly impossible to match even a few months apart - however they are wonderful because they do vary. There are no "bad" leathers - just different ones. As price goes up so does the feel and textures, however they are not going to last any longer or be less healthy than the basic Grade 1 leathers.

    I'm fond of saying "You can't get a Rolex at a Seiko price" and that's true with leathers as well. The hide on a piece of upholstery is the single largest expense of the piece - so you have to decide if you want to work at a budget, or want something truly unique and are willing to pay for that more expensive covering? For some it's worth it, others not so much - but don't get hung up on country of origin as its really a non-issue.
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Default Re: Grade 1 Hancock & Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by JahBless View Post
    Thank you. I was looking at Hutton, kip and gunner but leaning towards Hutton. I was wondering/concerned where the hides were sourced and where they are tanned. I cannot find any info on either.
    I have a Woodbridge recliner in Hutton Ebony and really like the leather. Not too shiny, not too dull, and even color throughout (no shading variation). I posted a picture about a year ago in the pics of hancock and Moore thread. It is wearing nicely one year in.

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