I've been searching on and off for a sectional sofa for our Family Room for the last year. I am interested in the Room and Board "Orson" sectional. Before I dropped $3500 for this sofa set I decided to take a 2 1/2 hours trip to the Manhatten store. I really liked the look of the sofa and loved the fabric. I happen to also like this sofa because the back is much higher on this sofa than others with the same look. I would like to be able to rest my head when I sit back. When I sat on the sofa the seats and back felt a lot "squishier" than other sectionals from other stores. The cushions are blend-down. The sales person along with the reviews online say the cushions need to be fluffed and rotated. For $3500 should I have to fluff and rotate?

Does anyone know what the quality is like on the Room and Board sofas? Is the quality mid-range or better? I'm not sure who the manufacture is, possibly McCreary Modern. For $3500 I planning on keeping the sectional for a good 15 years. I just don't want it to look like it's 15 years old in 1-2 years. My limit on spending for a sectional is $3500. Is it possible to get a good quality sectional for this price or under?

Sorry for all the questions but it's been 15 years since I purchased my last sofa set.