I learned a long time ago to NEVER - EVER discuss politics or social issues in the store with customers. It never works out and no good comes of it. I broke my own rule on Monday when two ladies from out-of-state were in the store and going on about the Florida Primaries and the State of the Country. They asked me who I liked for the Presidential election and in an unguarded moment I replied with simply the name of the person I intent to vote for when they asked me point blank.


They unleashed a torrent of fury on me, as 'my guy' was not 'their guy' and let me have it complete with raised voices and put downs. I am too polite to debate them in my store and simply thought "Self - why didn't you just keep your mouth shut - you know better", and just tried to direct them towards the door rather then suffering their political diatribes.

What baffles me though is the lack of tolerance and respect for another person's viewpoint in today's society. It seems the prevailing thought by many is anyone with an opinion that's contrary must be harshly reprimanded. I sure got an earful. Guess it makes them feel better to do that sort of thing, but it didn't change my opinion of 'my guy' and the two ladies just came off as being rude.