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Thread: Never talk politics.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Never talk politics.

    I learned a long time ago to NEVER - EVER discuss politics or social issues in the store with customers. It never works out and no good comes of it. I broke my own rule on Monday when two ladies from out-of-state were in the store and going on about the Florida Primaries and the State of the Country. They asked me who I liked for the Presidential election and in an unguarded moment I replied with simply the name of the person I intent to vote for when they asked me point blank.


    They unleashed a torrent of fury on me, as 'my guy' was not 'their guy' and let me have it complete with raised voices and put downs. I am too polite to debate them in my store and simply thought "Self - why didn't you just keep your mouth shut - you know better", and just tried to direct them towards the door rather then suffering their political diatribes.

    What baffles me though is the lack of tolerance and respect for another person's viewpoint in today's society. It seems the prevailing thought by many is anyone with an opinion that's contrary must be harshly reprimanded. I sure got an earful. Guess it makes them feel better to do that sort of thing, but it didn't change my opinion of 'my guy' and the two ladies just came off as being rude.
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  2. #2
    hglaber Guest

    Default Re: Never talk politics.

    I know is seems that way, but I'm not sure it's a new thing. Discussing politics (or money or religion) has been politeness taboo for as far as you want to look back in the etiquette guides for good reason.

    What has changed is more people used to be taught etiquette and how to be polite, so wouldn't bring it up in "polite company" as they say, thereby avoiding the, well, let's just call them passionate discussions. I'm not sure people respect those rules as much anymore, even if they knew them at one time.

    Of course, that could just be me as I dive deeper into the "get off my lawn" demographic. There's really no way for me to know. Maybe once the guy sitting next to me at the office finishes casually blathering on about his bankruptcy while trimming his fingernails with his shoes off I'll inquire as to the extent of his training in manners.

  3. #3
    organic_smallhome Guest

    Default Re: Never talk politics.

    I would--seriously--never in a million years ask a stranger such a question.

  4. #4
    Jane A Guest

    Default Re: Never talk politics.

    Quote Originally Posted by organic_smallhome View Post
    I would--seriously--never in a million years ask a stranger such a question.
    Neither would I. But if a person were so gauche as to ask, it's only polite to respect any answer they were given.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: Never talk politics.

    Agreed. I always respect other people's opinion on political and social issues even if I disagree. And I don't comment on their choices unless they ask me to? Even then, I am mostly reserved knowing that anything I say will probably have little influence on their choices and often will lead to an emotional rebuttal.

    However, as a Political Science major in college, I find some of the most stimulating conversations one can have are with others to discuss subjects who do so thoughtfully and without prejudice. Being a high-end furniture retailer in Washington DC I have had several Congressmen and Senators in the store and if its a quiet day I find them to be fascinating to talk with on those topics. Democrat or Republican - doesn't matter. They are all interesting to have a calm conversation with and most the time are quite willing to do so one on one.

    The ones you NEVER want to talk politics with however, are the DNC and RNC committee workers. They're way over the top.
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  6. #6
    Rafree1 Guest

    Default Re: Never talk politics.

    "The ones you NEVER want to talk politics with however, are the DNC and RNC committee workers. They're way over the top."

    LOL!!! *dies laughing* Amen! I was a delegate for the DNC for one election cycle and it was something I will NEVER do again. Went in very green and came out just...well flattened. That's hardball in there in ways most people cannot imagine. I guess I just had way, way too much of a play ground sense of justice to stomach that realm. Oddly, most of the people I best liked on my level in the DNC left too! NOT saying the RNC is any better. Two wings, one bird. I was in D.C. that year Duane quite a lot. I even had a nice little spot near Dupont Circle to stay worked out with another delegate because I had to be there so much.

    Ohhhhhhhhhhh, if only the average Joe and Jane knew the workings of both those "clubs" it'd make Nixon's debacle look like child's play these days.

    I did get to meet a few senators on both sides as you say you did and what you say is true. I met a few congress critters also. Stephanie Tubbs Jones *R.I.P.* was a sweet HEART. She gave good hugs. McCain was very interesting to hear speak on certain issues because he'd crossed the aisle a few times and liked to discuss it... and Hillary Clinton was a very, very good listener and quite down to earth. Met a few others that didn't stick with me as much. They aren't all bad up there. Just what they need to do to get there is.....well, I'd never make it! lol!

    Now before someone says "but you are in Canada" Yes, I am but, the DNC and RNC both choose delegates "abroad" due to the fact that we represent six million voters. They aren't about to let that many votes go by the way. Then they ship us out to every state they can in between the work we do in our respective resident countries. I thought I'd do something to help out so ran for delegate to one of the candidates...OY! When I got delegate one of the past delegates turned and said to me "Bless your heart, may god have mercy on you." Green as the grass I was.

    It's weird here though because most Americans abroad are REAL flag wavers whether they are democrats or republicans. You tend to get that way when you have been away from "home" a while. My family IN the U.S. don't get this as they don't live outside the country so can't fathom why I'm always SO happy to cross that "line" I love Canada, don't get me wrong it's been good to me. But the U.S. is home...just stay away from the DNC and, run far from them!

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