I agree with everything said here. I think most Americans want quality but most Americans can no longer buy quality at an affordable cost. I've been looking at furniture for about 2 years. My budget is $4300. I'm looking for a leather reclining sofa and two leather recliners. So, in order to get QUALITY leather furniture I have to spent upwards of $8,000-10,000.

Like someone else said..."The cost of American made furniture is just not something that most of us are able to pay. Businesses are going under because the average American cannot afford to purchase quality and are forced to purchase junk from China. Few rich cats will not be able to keep this going in the long run."

I took a tour thru the Ford Motor Factory in 2005...at that time line workers were making over $50-60 an hour. We wonder why Americans have resorted to cheap imports??!! We've run out manufacturing in this country because of wages like this. Now, don't get me wrong...I'm all for workers making as much as they can, but there has to be some sense about it. No wonder the automobile industry was failing...they're paying fat cat salaries and pensions and their cars were junk. Think the same applies to the furniture industry? It's a sad day in America when our manufacturing has virtually "left the building" and we've come to rely on crap from imports.