I was rushed when looking for a specific chair (see link). It has arrived and while it is what I bought so I can't complain - but it isn't good for me or what I wanted. So while shopping is confusing here are lessons learned:

Sit in the exact model you buy!

Don't Rush!

I bought a power recliner version of a stationary rocker that they had on the floor.
The rocker version was too high for me but we figured the recliner would sit lower. It doesn't. It might be even higher and my feet don't touch the floor.

I bought the chair I did because it did not seem to have the gap between back and seat when reclined that the other models did. But the power recliner has the same if not bigger gap! Not good for laying in! This is the think that upsets me the most. I HATE IT when the bottom cushion doesn't fit go back under the bottom of the back cushion. How I overlooked this I don't know. It bugs me enormously.

I'm wondering if this chair is really a motorized a tilt back? Yes it has a foot pad that comes up. But the "power recliner" (1) doesn't really recline that far and (2) is the only power recliner I saw in looking at 4 different stores, lots of brands, that has a LEVER on the inside between the arm and seat - like tilt backs.
Most power recliners have had the attached coil remote thing but are moving to a more sightly flat depressable button on the outside or inside of chair. This lever concept seems outdated and there are sure going to be wear issues!

I do like how wide it is which is another of the reasons I chose a style I didn't like over other styles I did that were too narrow to curl up in. It is however also too deep as well as to high. After reclining I have to push myself back up the chair to lay down - which I won't be able to do with my surgery. Nor can I get out of it easily. So the whole reason for buying right now it is not happening and I'm going to struggle through my recovery.
My other option was a uglier no kidding recliner for 1000.00 less that would have suited my purposes better.

The recliner thing is surely a trade off. Do you want a good looking chair that reclines or a recliner? Because the good looking chair that reclines is not quite the same thing.
through my surgery, then I'll sell it at a big loss. Ugh.

So I rushed and bought a really expensive BY chair I didn't like the style of to get features I didn't actually get and doesn't fit me and is not comfortable. Its on me, my fault. Sometimes more expensive is not better and you really need to see exactly what your buying on the floor. I'm not that well off but like quality things and this was a really expensive lesson learned for me.

The leather and workmanship (other than the lever thing) is nice though for all you shoppers of BY.
