Hi, my wife and I are looking for a new queen mattress. We currently have a S&F set that's 8 years old and sagging. It's been causing back pain for my wife of 138 lbs. Im 280 lbs and I think I'm the cause of sag(of course). Its a pillow top and we have flipped it and its not comfy but better than the other side. We went shopping and it seems our only choice is the S&F Cassatt Luxury Ultra Firm (Estate Lux Collection). That's a Queen mattress and boxspring delivered and old removed for $2500. We would expect to get 8 years out of it like the last one. I've read this forum off and on for many years and I know the Royal Pedic is popular here. What would you recommend for us and is there any way to test it out . Costs etc. Anything else you can tell me to help explain to my wife why we would pay so much more? I know it will last twice as long, but is it a better night's rest? It would have to be noticeably better because we know we should get at least 7 good years from the Stearns & Foster. Thanks.
All foam mattresses sag and deteriorate, and 8 years is the max life span of a foam unit which is what the vast majority of bedding is made of. It's closed cell foam in layers, similar to the kind of foam under carpeting.
A Royal Pedic is made differently, there is no foam in it - it's made of cotton felt. You can expect double that lifespan with really no deterioration in the sleep quality in all those years. I'm 265 lb, my wife 115 lb and I rotate/flip the mattress 3x a year as it will get a slight body impression from where I sleep, but flipping it solves that for another four months time. The materials in a Royal Pedic (and any cotton bed) are considerably more that in petroleum based foam, and yes, they will cost about double that Sterns and Foster depending on the model.
I have four Royal Pedics in my home, one in each bedroom. Personally I won't sleep on anything else (maybe a Shifman or Duxiana) and I can REALLY tell a difference when we go on vacation even in four and five star resorts, when I'm back on a foam bed (Marriott's have the worst bedding, by the way). All beds are pretty good when brand new, but the foam beds start downhill on year 2 and continue to get worse. Most are really done at year 5, but everyone pushes them longer until at 8 or 9 years, they can't stand it. My current RP is now 9 years old and pretty far from being used up.
Check the website for dealers near you. Most have a floor model.
I do have a floor model set on Clearance that I removed off the showroom when the bed sold, in my warehouse at half price. It's the Organic Queen w/Wool Wrap set, a step above the regular Premier series. I don't know where you live but my store is in Alexandria VA. A new one of this model is $ 5,070. My floor model which was used as a display is $ 2,535 cash/check price, $ 2,612 credit card. Shipping would have to be through www.uship.com or similar, it' not boxed, but wrapped in plastic. May have a few handling marks on it here and there from being put in bed frames, etc. No warranty on this unit. https://royalpedic.com/PNCW.asp
Here's an article on premium bedding:
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.
Duane, if you happen to have a king set ever on clearance, I would be interested.
Thank You
Sorry, no Kings as they are too large to floor in my store, I only use Queen sizes for display units.
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.
Would you sell this display mattress without the box springs?
The display set mentioned above has been sold.
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.
the article is not the last word in mattress ratings, but at least they have a bit of a scientific basis rather than personal opinions that may not be relevant to your situation. if you happen to have a king set ever on clearance, I would be interested...! Thank You.
edited: Links to outside articles are not allowed by new members.
Last edited by drcollie; 09-29-2021 at 02:32 PM.