Looking for something that is not too plush, solidly built, allows me to sit somewhat straight, has armrests and is comfortable for sitting for long periods of time. Looking to buy two of these for a reading corner in my new home.
When seeking recommendations, it helps to know your style (Modern? Traditional?), your preference for cover (Fabric or leather) and your budget range. Photos of the room where they will go are a big help. Ottoman or just chairs? Without additional information no one can really make a viable recommendation.
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
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I prefer modern, prefer fabric and budget would be about 2.5k-3k per chair.
Here is the room itself, it is in a new house I have just purchased. The furniture in the room was the staging furniture by the real estate agent and as such will not be present.
I have separately taken a pic of the blue couch that we have currently (we have two of the same ones) but matching to the couch is strictly not a necessity because we will be switching these out in the next year.
I'd recommend you take a look at Taylor King styles, they will land in your price range, made in North Carolina, and have some appealing and recent designs with a wide range of fabric in a quality build.
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.
I gotta say, that stages furniture by your real estate agent is a perfect fit for the room. If I could, I would buy that furniture along with the house. Can I ask where you found this real estate property from and where you got the real estate agent's contact? I use instagram for these real estate things here but I dont know if its that effecient. Let me know