As my family prepares to buy our very first piece of leather furniture, we are trying to safeguard that it will last a long time. To that end, I am searching for knowledge, experience, and advice on window films to protect leather upholstery from sunlight. Our family room is so sunny, it has faded our light blue fabric couch in just 5 years, despite our venetian blinds--so it's certainly not the optimal place for a leather sofa, and we need some westerly sun protection.

Last week, I got an estimate from a professional window film installing company (that uses 3-M products), and it will cost $700 to put UV-reducing film on 6 windows. Doing research online, however, I have learned that putting such film onto windows voids the window warranty, as it can cause the seal to break between the insulated double panes (due to increased solar heat reflected out by the film while still coming in from the sun). I don't want to have to replace 6 windows that fail because I spent $700 putting film on them!

Please share your personal experiences with window films--which ones have been good or bad for you? Also, have you experienced window trouble during the years after such a film installation? Any recommendations, thoughts, or advice on this issue?

Many thanks,