Thanks so much for your input, Monique. I like the #1 option too, but I've always had a sofa/loveseat it makes me a bit nervous. I want to do something a bit different....but I'm afraid I won't like it.

If I do #1, I'd probably do the large chair in leather to match the sofa, and the two small chairs in something like this:

or a swivel chair like this (but not that material/color):

I love the color on the first chair, especially since my rug is a red/rust color (and red is my favorite color). But I want something comfortable, maybe the swivels.

We tend to watch TV from the sofa, but my kids will sometimes sit on the loveseat to watch. Their preferred place is the get a better view since we have a Plasma TV. We have friends over often, and I'd like to have the extra seating. Typically, only one of our friends sits on the sofa. I think it's too tight to have two sit comfortably and talk.

We LOVE LOVE LOVE Netflix!.....we canceled our satellite last year (the "set price for 2 years" became a higher price every month)....and we're saving about $75/month. We mostly stream TV series, since they're not too long.

I love the looks of the Author chair! Good to hear that it's comfortable.

I made my husband move the furniture around this weekend....he was not too happy about it. But it helped a lot to see how things will fit. I'm thinking of having him move the loveseat out, so I can try two armchairs there on the right. We'll see how that goes. As Duane said, you don't want to "over furniture a room".

My husband says I obsess and over-research big purchases...funny to hear that we're so much alike.