Best Delivery Story:

One of my suppliers of hand-made furniture is a car collector. I was at his shop in New Hampshire picking up a full load of furniture in my Freightliner, and had to deliver a table and chair set to a customer in the next state over, in Vermont. I'm 12 hours from home, so its not around the corner to get up to his place and when I arrived I was not happy to find that the armchairs for this customer's order were still in the finish room and would be at least four hours after I had finished loading. Well, I'm not waiting around for four hours, so they promised to bring them to my customer in Vermont, which was a three hour drive west. I'd just take the table and sidechairs, and cupboard.

I headed out in my big truck and stopped for diesel fuel, and lunch. Then lumbered along out to my Vermont delivery running about 45 to 50 mph on those New England backroads. I got to my customers home and unloaded the pieces I had and placed them in her home, and explained the arm chairs would be here the following day. Just as I was getting ready to leave, my supplier pulls up in his convertible Rolls Royce Corniche with the top down and the two armchairs in the back seat. Big grin on his face and windblown he'd driven 80 mph to get there with the top down all the way....

My customer said she had never had furniture delivered in a Rolls Royce before and said she'd buy MORE if he'd bring it just like that the next time!