We are still narrowing our decision between the Harrison and Highland sofas. I have read most of the forum's discussion (mostly Duane's comments) about the door size required but didn't find the discussion definitive. I have a doorway that is 34" wide. Will these two sofas fit through that doorway? The door is a walk-out basement door and the sofa would go directly into the room so the only constraint that should matter is if the sofa can fit through the doorway. Perhaps more generally and to save asking this question down the road, is there someway to take the dimensions of any sofa and determine the width needed (i.e. is it the smallest dimension minus pi times Planck's constant...)?

Next question - I believe the back cushions on these two sofas are loose, can I get this confirmed? If so, is there some way to make them semi-attached like adding velcro? It is a constant battle with our kids to keep the cushions (which are loose) on (and not used as forts, pillows, etc.) our current sofa. Velcro is used on our seat cushions on the H&M restoration sofa we currently own and it is great.

Last question, my wife has a preference for leather that is less shiny and more of a matte finish on this sofa. Can anyone comment on the relative 'shininess' of the following leathers (buckingham burnished, yardley, kipling, stampede, and pecos).? TIA