Typically any staining on leathers is 'usually' not too severe, and it leeches out over time. In my experience on most stains, about 50% of the stain will dissipate within two week. About 75 % of the stain will be gone in six months. A year after the stain, there its about 98% gone. YMMV of course depending on the leather and what's spilled on it. In my home, my wife and I are willing to trade off the occasional stain for the luxury of the nicer leathers. Our kids haven't been particularly hard on the leather, either....but we don't allow a lot of eating in the family room (other than light snacks).

There were some errors in the Town and Country program/spreadsheet. I actually caught them a few months back and informed H&M of them. That was one of them.
All the Buckingham leathers on in the Highland Series are priced the same. $ 3,590 on the sofa, and $ 797 on the ottoman, in T&C collection.