I drive a BMW & am under the impression most, if not all of my car was built in Germany. However, as much as I love my 3 series convertible, its maintenance requirements have been 1 thing after another pretty much every 6 months or so. In dealing with these issues & getting them taken care of, I've always requested OEM parts for the job. Some of these are genuine BMW & others, Bosch or whomever BMW sourced that particular part from. If I took apart the car piece, by piece even tho its VIN tag states "Made in Germany," I'm sure I'd find more than a few parts NOT from that country.

You should try owning a Ferrari or an Aston Martin if you think BMW's are expensive to keep on the road

BTW, did you know a Ferrari 599 uses a highly modified magnetic shock that are made by GM for the Corvette and tuned to Ferrari's spec? They last appx 15,000 miles on a 599 before they need replacement at a cost of $ 20,000 for all (4). Or that an Aston Martin Vanquish has a hand-made module on its SMG transmission specific to that model only and when it fails that's a $ 12,000 part as the replacement part has to be hand-made in England? Makes a BMW water pump and new control arms look cheap!