Hello Everyone,

Roxanne is my wife and we decided to post this:

As you may recall, the San Diego Breast Cancer 3 Day is coming up in November....just a few short weeks away. Roxanne's team OB Walkers-Breast Defenders just passed the $100,000 mark in fund raising for this year. As you might remember every walker must raise $2300 to walk in this incredible event and a few of the team mates are still running a bit behind. As October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month we are wondering if you can help out by doing your special magic and help us raise some more awareness and money this month.
There is another team closing in on us fast and we would hate for them to "get to camp" as the #1 fund raising team.....you know the drill.
Check out the team!
Roxanne will let you know who is short of funds and who already has 'checks in the mail' also some of our team are non-fund raising Crew.....

Roxanne's direct email is obwalkers@att.net if you have any questions, concerns, or comments.

We thank you for reading this and look forward to the day a cure is found.

By the way, if you have been watching any NFL games I'm sure you have noticed pink being worn by players and coaches in celebration of this month and cause.

John & Roxanne