You never know what you're going to find in your email. Tonight this was in my mailbox and it breaks my heart (I volunteer for various cancer hotlines as a late stage cancer survivor). I wrote her a long email in return, and hopefully my friend and surgeon Mike Choti at Johns Hopkins can help them out. He certainly saved my life five years ago. Makes struggling over something like a leather choice on a sofa to be a very small thing, doesn't it?

Be grateful for a healthy life, and hug your kids every chance you get.

Date: August 30, 2010 7:03:31 PM EDT
To: Duane Collie <>
Subject: Re: Dr. Choti

I have a daughter (36) terminally ill that I'm searching for a doctor to save her life and/or
extend it. There has been so much conflict in her care and disconnect that I have
taken over and have obtained a myriad of her medical records. She has colon cancer
stage 4, bowel obstruction with conflicting info. as to cause, etc., peg venting tube
that pump doesn't work (6 procedures so many messed up). She has been amazing
that doctors don't know how she has lived through what she has been through.
Yet, no doctor can give an answer, they don't know where to send her or what to do.
So I contacted Dr. Choti. He was referred by CCA - Colon Cancer Alliance.
Anything you could tell me to help would be greatly appreciated.
