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Thread: One of a Kind Italian Piece?

  1. #1
    Leslie Guest

    Default One of a Kind Italian Piece?

    While shopping today in what is arguably one of the most expensive furniture stores in North Alabama my husband saw a very unique drawer chest....supposedly a one-of-a-kind Italian piece, solid wood, lots of inlay, dovetail joinery, finished drawer insides, $2099..

    We are looking for a foyer piece that "makes a statement" and this definitely does, even though neither of us are sure that it is what we need. I am just curious about buying something like this, knowing nothing about who made it. From what we could tell it was well made, whatever that is worth. For $500 more there was a gorgeous Century chest that had a travertine inlay top that I loved, and for $1500 there was an antique looking Henredon chest that I know was made in China.....

    Would you buy a piece not knowing who made it if it met certain standards? Do you ever trust salespeople?

    So far I am leaning toward the Century piece. Still looking though, since their "sale" lasts until January 31st!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: One of a Kind Italian Piece?

    You have to learn what makes a good piece of furniture, then explore the piece and find out for yourself. Labels and makers are irrelevant! Here's one post I made on that subject:

    I also made a huge post on Garden Web called "Furniture 101". Took a long time to write that all out, its still over there if you want to search it out. Learn from that and posts on this forum, and you will know if the piece is well made. If nothing else, take good, clear, high quality shots of the piece Inside/back, etc. and post them here (no cell phone camera shots)
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  3. #3
    Leslie Guest

    Default Re: One of a Kind Italian Piece?

    OK, this is too funny. Apparently the salesgirl at the high end showroom I visited yesterday doesn't know her stuff....I was looking at chests on Century's website hoping to find a picture of one I saw yesterday and Behold:

    This is the one-of-a-kind Italian chest that the owner of the store got from some guy in Italy.....

    Obviously not one of a kind and certainly not Italian! However, knowing that it is made by Century actually makes me feel a little bit better about it. Even if I do think it is a bit too "Egyptian" or "Greek" or somesuch for the place I would put it! Hubby likes it, though.

    Just goes to show you that you can't depend on salespeople!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: One of a Kind Italian Piece?

    HA! Well, like in any endeavor - there are good ones and bad ones, and then REALLY bad ones. Don't get me started on doctors...<g>

    Good, honest and knowledgeable furniture salespeople are not easy to find. Very few have a passion for what they sell, and without that passion they mostly don't care about anything other than swiping your credit card and getting their commission, and will tell you want they think you want to hear to close a sale *.

    * One of my pet peeves is when a husband and wife are in the store and he'll look at her and say (about me) "Of course he's going to tell you that dear - he's a salesman - he'll tell you anything to make the sale". Boy, that really gets me goin'....and woe upon the man who says that so that I overhear it. Because I descend upon them like Patton's Third Army and give them a full frontal assault on facts and construction and benefits until they cry uncle.
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

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