Plantation Shutters are usually built-to-order, in essence they are hand-made pieces. Always expensive, they look very custom and very nice. I don't think you get your money back out of them when you sell the house per se, but they give your home good 'curb appeal' to a buyer - but the selling price of your home lives and dies by the neighborhood comps in most instances. In my neighborhood of (80) homes, we had the least options on our house when we built it in 2000 - in fact the builder even commented that they wouldn't have sold us the lot if they knew we were going bare bones. Most the homes were 30% to 40% higher in purchase price because they checked all the fancy option boxes. Now, 12 years later when you look at Zillow they're all worth the same or within 5% of one another. I did that by design when we built the house for resale value because I knew they would all level out to the same market price when they got older.

This is also similar to the built-in bookcase decisions. They always look great, but they cost as much as handmade stand-alone ones and they don't add money value to your home when you sell it. Your home looks just as nice with matching corner cupboards that you can take with you when you move. But if you're going to be in the house for a long time, then it doesn't really matter as much.