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Thread: Smoothies

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Smoothies

    In an effort to try to cut back on ice cream, I have lately gotten into Smoothies in a big way. So much so that I decided I need to make my own at home. I was going to buy a plain old cheap blender at Wally World until my buddies let me know that your average blender will only live 30 days making smoothies. So I asked them which one I would need and they all said.... a VITAMIX. The Arnold Schwarzenegger of blenders. Only a Vitamix can stand up to the rigors of liquifying ice. OK, if that's what I need - then I'll go get one and told my wife we're going shopping. So what's a good blender going to cost? Well, i figured if the Chinese ones were $ 50, a really good one is going to be about $ 150, right?


    We go to the store and these Vitamix machines are $ 350 to $ 650 ! Holy Moley! My wife says "If you spend that much on a blender - you better make a lot of Smoothies". I selected a $ 490 model but we had a 20 % coupon off from Bed, Bath and Beyond and I made that purchase. Took it home, fired it up and made my first banana-strawberry smoothie. I have to tell ya, I've seen some interesting kitchen gadgets before but this thing was like having a chain saw on your counter. It's like totally violent and doesn't fool around. Its like a tornado set loose when you flip in on and it crushes everything to a puree in about 8 seconds. WOW.

    I am still on the hunt for the perfect Smoothie recipe, however. Coldstone Creamery has the best ones, but I can't hit upon their formula. I can tell you what NOT to use though, and thats' Greek Yogurt. That stuff is bitter......
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  2. #2
    TLoomis Guest

    Default Re: Smoothies

    I LOVE my Vitamix and use it every single day! You can't go wrong with frozen fruit, juice and a little yogurt. You can peel, cut and freeze your own bananas too, that works great. I have to go low sugar, so I use things like almond milk, coconut milk, frozen berries, protein powder, hemp seeds, chia seeds, and ice.

    You can actually make a very healthy, creamy and delicious chocolate shake with almond milk, ice, cocoa powder, agave nectar and avocado! Frozen bananas or berries are good in there too, you can also sweeten it with dates. When you're really feeling brave, add some spinach - you won't taste it, and you'll be getting your daily dose of healthy greens!

    I also make a lot of soups in mine, add some cashew butter to make them nice and creamy!

    Keep experimenting, the Vitamix is awesome - you made a great purchase.


  3. #3
    crunchysue Guest

    Default Re: Smoothies

    I have a Blendtec. It's a beautiful thing and has no stick to clean. Blendtec vs Vitamix is like Mac vs PC - sort of religious.

  4. #4
    BevoGal Guest

    Default Re: Smoothies

    Great post -- I have eyed those fancy blenders for a time...just may pull the trigger one day. My current blender is terrible, and therefore, I have been skipping the smoothies and settling for parfaits =)

    I second almond and coconut milk, power greens, and chia seeds to boost your recipes.

  5. #5
    Daisymarie18 Guest

    Default Re: Smoothies

    I just got a VitaMix from Costco...I didn't know what I was missing! That thing is crazy powerful, and makes the smoothest margarita I've ever had The healthy smoothies aren't bad either

  6. #6
    crunchysue Guest

    Default Re: Smoothies

    Ha! I knew I liked you ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Daisymarie18 View Post
    I just got a VitaMix from Costco...I didn't know what I was missing! That thing is crazy powerful, and makes the smoothest margarita I've ever had The healthy smoothies aren't bad either

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: Smoothies

    I went on a mission during lunch today and bought a Coldstone Smoothie. They put what looks like liquified ice cream in as a base stock, and it was pretty sweet. Keep those recipes coming in....I think they're hilarious. I look in the fridge and just start tossing things in the Vitamix without much thought. Most the time it come out good except for that Greek Yogurt stuff. Where do you get Almond Milk? I don't recall seeing it in the grocery store...and is is canned or in dairy?
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  8. #8
    Daisymarie18 Guest

    Default Re: Smoothies

    Quote Originally Posted by drcollie View Post
    I went on a mission during lunch today and bought a Coldstone Smoothie. They put what looks like liquified ice cream in as a base stock, and it was pretty sweet. Keep those recipes coming in....I think they're hilarious. I look in the fridge and just start tossing things in the Vitamix without much thought. Most the time it come out good except for that Greek Yogurt stuff. Where do you get Almond Milk? I don't recall seeing it in the grocery store...and is is canned or in dairy?
    I find Almond Milk with the regular milk, but in a paper carton instead of a plastic jug. Its really good in a smoothie, and there is a Coconut Milk also ( different from the canned coconut version) that I found made by the same company that makes the Almond milk. That is really good mixed with frozen strawberries and bananas! If I feel the need to be healthy and add Greek yogurt, I usually add a little stevia also to cut the bitterness, or use the vanilla flavored Greek yogurt and not the "plain" kind. My husband likes to add Kale to his. You can't really taste it much, but I'm just not on board with the greens in my sweet.

  9. #9
    BevoGal Guest

    Default Re: Smoothies

    Be careful with smoothies from ice cream or other fast food places -- they are usually full of lackluster ingredients and way heavy on the calories. Always avoid artificial sweeteners if they are using those to make it "light." Blue Diamond Almond/Coconut blend is great - get the sweetened one at first, then take yourself down to unsweetened. You can get it in the refrigerated milk coolers (regular almond milk can also be found on the store shelves at room temperature). Look in the health section.

    Check out the new book by Rachel Beller, Eat to Lose, Eat to Win: It's refreshingly simple and if you will follow her recipes (basically, BOOST the veggies!) you will notice a difference and feel better. She even includes smoothie recipes, but my own favorite recipe is: almond/coconut milk with oats, soy nut butter, honey and frozen banana. Yummy breakfast to fuel you!

    In the produce aisle, you can grab a box of organic "power greens" (salad) and find a smoothie recipe right there on the package. You dump the greens in the blender and add a green apple, lemon juice, and not much else, to make a terrifying looking drink that is super healthy. We eat all of these husband loses 5 lbs. and I don't lose anything. Go figure!

    On a side note, Daisymarie and I are in the same location - small world =)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Re: Smoothies

    I like blenders but hate cleaning them. So with my daughter suddenly into smoothies, I make them with an immersion blender (and crushed ice).

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