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Thread: Palettes by Winesburg - Burke Furniture, Lexington KY

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Default Re: Palettes by Winesburg - Burke Furniture, Lexington KY

    Have you tried speaking with the store owners? According to their website the founders sons run the store and customers are invited to speak with them. You are still within the 6-8 week window described in your original post and I doubt you will be able to cancel the order but you may be able to get a price adjustment, especially if the sales person has a history of stretching the truth. Have a reasonable figure in mind and don't be afraid to ask. The worst that can happen is they say no.

    Good luck.

  2. #12
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    Default Re: Palettes by Winesburg - Burke Furniture, Lexington KY

    You may be focusing too much on he-said, she-said about misrepresentation. You have to stay with the facts and only the facts. I don't know what kind of card you used, Mastercard / Visa / AM EX but you have to find the policy rules and go through them and see if they adhered to them. You can go on the web and search for Visa Merchant Rules, Mastercard Merchant Rules, etc. I cannot post the link to them right now because the forum is buggy and needs a reboot, any link will freeze a forum post. But they are out there. Primarily you have an 'out' based on the fact they charged you in full for the goods, and if they used small print on the receipt that's another one. Read the regs - stick with the facts. You should not have any issue on a chargeback from what I have seen. And it all has to be done in writing, phone calls don't work.
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Palettes by Winesburg - Burke Furniture, Lexington KY

    You may be focusing too much on he-said, she-said about misrepresentation. You have to stay with the facts and only the facts. I don't know what kind of card you used, Mastercard / Visa / AM EX but you have to find the policy rules and go through them and see if they adhered to them. You can go on the web and search for Visa Merchant Rules, Mastercard Merchant Rules, etc. I cannot post the link to them right now because the forum is buggy and needs a reboot, any link will freeze a forum post. But they are out there. Primarily you may have an 'out' based on the fact they charged you in full for the goods, and if they used small print on the receipt for terms. All has to be in writing, not via the phone as well.
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Palettes by Winesburg - Burke Furniture, Lexington KY

    test reply
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  5. #15
    usertm3172 Guest

    Default Re: Palettes by Winesburg - Burke Furniture, Lexington KY

    I just received my Winesburg Dining room set...ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!! We order Jan. 11th, well worth the wait. It is amish made just outside of Wineburg OH. Our sales person (Skaff furniture) has visited the workshop!! I also have talked to them on the phone... all is legitimate!

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    The Woodlands, Texas

    Default Re: Palettes by Winesburg - Burke Furniture, Lexington KY

    Quote Originally Posted by sajehill View Post
    Duane ... Just following through with an update on this. I spoke with the credit card company. There is nothing that can be done unless I can prove misrepresentation which unfortunately I cannot. There is nothing stated on my invoice that this is Amish-made furniture, & the invoice does state no cancellations on special orders despite the fact that it is in very small print & hidden underneath the title Layaway Policy. The salesman telling me the furniture is Amish-made, that I will receive it in 6-8 weeks, & not telling me up front that the order cannot be cancelled is basically a he said/she said thing. The fact that I have his emails stating the furniture was "almost complete" on August 10 & that making the change in stain color resulted in "no production time being lost" means nothing because as far as delivery time is concerned, it doesn't matter if the furniture isn't delivered until sometime next month or sometime next year.

    I feel that I have been swindled & the store is getting away with it. I have sadly learned a very expensive lesson here.

    Read my replies to your other complaint with this retailer. You were not swindled by the store. You were told something that isn't written anywhere on the product description or invoice & took it as gospel. This is a very good example of P. T. Barnum's famous quote: "there's a sucker born every minute." This time, it was you.

    Yes, it sucks & I'm sorry you had to spend a lot of money to get the lesson learned. But, you're not making it any better for yourself or anyone else by trying to pass the buck on this one.

    Your credit card company will not help you out simply because you failed to do your homework on the retailer & manufacturer of this furniture. That's not their bad to remedy: it's yours.

    The store will ONLY offer remedies they deem relevant per the situation AFTER the return period has lapsed, or on an nonreturnable custom orders when there is no blatant defects &/or warranty related issues. And, they're not legally required to do this at all! They're choosing to do so outta goodwill, & work in a good faith manner with you.

    You're pushing harder & harder, threatening now it sounds like & you know what they say? "You'll attract more bees with honey than vinegar." You're clearly(to me, at least) having buyer's remorse & racking your brain for ways to pass off the blame onto either the sales rep(NOT fair or cool, btw!) the dealer, the manufacturer, AND now the credit card company...& getting nowhere with any of them. Because there's NOTHING wrong with your furniture & it's passed the return period.

    You're the owner now; it's yours. You're stuck with it, unfortunately. But, you can still sell it on your own on Craigslist or eBay, make a little bit of your lost money back & do this whole process over again the smart way: by becoming an informed & educated consumer. That's as much your responsibility in any sales transaction as it is the seller's responsibility to sell you a product in a fair & ethical manner. So many ppl just do NOT understand this & it makes for the majority of the thousands of baseless negative reviews on Yelp & forums like this one.

    That's my sincerest advice to you. You're just spinning your wheels with the other method, making yourself miserable in the process. Life's too short. It's not worth the headache.

    Sorry to be so blunt, but when someone's worked themselves up into this much of a tizzy over imagined wrongs, they need to be virtually slapped outta it. Lol
    Last edited by Asomer; 04-08-2016 at 10:23 AM.

  7. #17
    sajehill Guest

    Default Re: Palettes by Winesburg - Burke Furniture, Lexington KY

    Dear Asomer ... I have not posted in this thread since September at which time I stated what the credit card company told me & admitted that I had learned a valuable lesson. I appreciated drcollie's help & told him so. That was, for all intents & purposes, the end of it. Why are you now ... 7 months later ... posting such a long dissertation in this thread? I must admit that I wonder what your personal definition of "being swindled" is. If someone tells you something that isn't true in order to make a sale, that person is trying to swindle you. Excuse me for believing a man who stood in front of a Palette's by Winesburg display showing Amish craftsmen building furniture & telling the story behind the company. You were not with me when I purchased the furniture. You were not with me when the sales rep lied to my face. I am flabbergasted at your post to me ... I truly am. And not that it's any of your business, but I did get the store to take the dining set back & I did get a full refund for it.

    I think you should make better use of your time than calling me a sucker, telling me I'm trying to pass the buck, accusing me of buyers remorse & giving a "baseless negative review," etc, when you did not go through this situation yourself.

    Sorry to be so blunt.

  8. #18
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    Default Re: Palettes by Winesburg - Burke Furniture, Lexington KY

    Quote Originally Posted by sajehill View Post
    Dear Asomer ... I have not posted in this thread since September at which time I stated what the credit card company told me & admitted that I had learned a valuable lesson. I appreciated drcollie's help & told him so. That was, for all intents & purposes, the end of it. Why are you now ... 7 months later ... posting such a long dissertation in this thread? I must admit that I wonder what your personal definition of "being swindled" is. If someone tells you something that isn't true in order to make a sale, that person is trying to swindle you. Excuse me for believing a man who stood in front of a Palette's by Winesburg display showing Amish craftsmen building furniture & telling the story behind the company. You were not with me when I purchased the furniture. You were not with me when the sales rep lied to my face. I am flabbergasted at your post to me ... I truly am. And not that it's any of your business, but I did get the store to take the dining set back & I did get a full refund for it.

    I think you should make better use of your time than calling me a sucker, telling me I'm trying to pass the buck, accusing me of buyers remorse & giving a "baseless negative review," etc, when you did not go through this situation yourself.

    Sorry to be so blunt.
    I only discovered this forum several weeks ago & never had read any posts in the "Problem Solver" section. I glanced at some of them the other day, but actually read yours because of the length and the seriousness of the tone of the thread caught my attention. After I read this older post, I noticed the more recent post & read that as well.

    Both post had a lot of detail in them & seemed like they were quite serious situations. However, upon another read, the secrets of your dilemmas slowly revealed themselves.

    What I wrote, I assure you, was not to condescend or belittle you. Or, the severity of the situation, as experienced by you & I stated as much. I apologize if what I said was interpreted that way, it was not my intention.

    But, the reason for posting my replies on even an old thread, not knowing if the OP would return to read them, but figuring at least current, active members & any new member that's in a similar situation probably [B]would[B] read what I wrote. I may not make any headway with you, but perhaps someone else going through a similar situation would see the light.

    I don't think Duane was being condescending to you with his statement that it's VERY unusual for someone to have such extreme difficulties with 2 furniture orders that close together. Yes, anything is possible; nobody's saying it's not. But, you describe both situations as making you sick to your stomach over the issues & that's a pretty serious situation that'll give somebody that kinda anxiety!

    YOU posted on this forum seeking advice. Some you appreciated & some you didn't: such is the case in life.

    I don't know the details of the dining room set that got refunded. But, if it went anything like the bedroom set that you had/am having issues with, I'm guessing it was easier for the store to just appease you rather than giving you the fuel to fodder & escalate everything. Duane's been in this business almost 30 years, running a store: his input & advice will be as good as it gets in this industry. You may not like what he or anybody else on the forum has to say about your situation, but you admit you took the sales rep's word & nowhere is what he said repeated in the product description or on its invoice. There's NOTHING you can do months later about that. I really am sorry you had to learn the lesson like this. I'll repeat my original point I was trying to make in both responses: you at least learned the lesson & hopefully, now will do your due diligence in becoming an informed & educated consumer in your purchases.

    Again, I apologize if what I said came off harshly. My goal in replying to these related threads was to educate somebody else reading: that sometimes you just made a crummy purchase & if you didn't realize that until AFTER the return period & there's no warranty related issues with the item, then it's yours. All the huffing & puffing in the world & threats of chargebacks & going to lawyers, etc won't change that. Some ppl are too ashamed & embarrassed to admit, even to themselves they made a REALLY stupid purchase or took some sales rep's word as the gospel. They STILL may not admit it to others, even after reading my replies I posted...but, I'm willing to bet, they're at least beginning to admit the truth, to themselves.

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Palettes by Winesburg - Burke Furniture, Lexington KY

    This thread is now closed to further comments.
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
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