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Thread: Sundance Sectional in Weston Sand

  1. #51
    ViviV Guest

    Default Re: Sundance Sectional in Weston Sand

    Thanks Savannah! I've been reading many people's "journeys" towards the perfect sofa and leather here in the forum and I guess I am just in the middle of my own "journey"! I even read a lady who compared this to giving birth!! LOL!! Im not quite there but.... you have no idea how much I wish I lived close to the Keeping Room (I bet we all feel that way)! I think if I could just sit and touch and see different leathers and colors ON actual sofas this would be A LOT easier for me. I might need to work into the budget a trip to Alexandria ;>

    Wisejd- so in your opinion I "should be" okay on the pooling issue if I select the regular cores (vs ultra down)? And that this is not a factor of the thickness or stiffness of the leather? That's so good to know!!

    You know, I recently read a post by Duane where he mentions that asking for "extra-fill" is an option and I've also read about a stiffer core option of 21lb vs 18lb (??). Do you think those would help keep the "tight" look ..i.e.: ordering the standard core 21lb with "extra-filled" cushions? BTW, where do Spring Down cushions come in on all this? Will those help with the leather not becoming pooled due to flattened cushions -since they "spring" back up? Do you know if you can "extra fill" a spring down cushion?

    Thanks so much for your expert advice!

    Last edited by ViviV; 03-02-2016 at 02:08 PM.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Dayton, OH

    Default Re: Sundance Sectional in Weston Sand

    I don't know of a specific way to guarantee 'No Pooling', it is my experience that the Ultra Down tends to 'Pool' more than the H&M standard foam core. It is likely that a firmer foam core would pool even less, but you would have to ensure that the comfort is not compromised (form over function?). Duane may have some leather cover thoughts about those that typically pool less. I do have a leather chair that is not H&M which has a spring cushion vs. foam and it shows zero pooling after 20 years, but it is the most uncomfortable seat in the house.

  3. #53
    ViviV Guest

    Default Re: Sundance Sectional in Weston Sand

    THanks Wisejd! I get what you're saying on form over function. I have not asked Duane any of this yet and you're right, maybe he has input on what leather covers pool less.

    Tonight I cooked a large meal and once everyone left the kitchen, I got creative and spilled some "stuff" I had on the kitchen counters on a few samples. Oh fun! Let's see how they look tomorrow.

    I am also busy formulating a list of samples I'd like to get since the ones I have now have not wowed the husband. Most of the ones I want to request are darker and I am totally using Duane's input on the list above to make my list.

    I have to say though, that I am really liking (the more I touch, smell, stretch, scratch and spill guck on them): TIBURON MINK AND MESQUITE SADDLE.
    I am thinking that the NON burnished leathers, like these two, even though they show pressure marks and can vary from the sample some, provide a look that I like better than the burnished leathers. Both TIBURON MINK AND MESQUITE SADDLE are thin leathers compared to Hyde Park and Equestrian. The question on my mind again is.....if my sectional sofas are fabricated with the standard cores in one of these two leathers, do you think the cushions would eventually pool?

    Can anyone out there who might own a sofa in TIBURON MINK OR MESQUITE SADDLE (NOT BURNISHED) chime in on the pooling issue? And any pics would be so greatly appreciated ;>

    Last edited by ViviV; 03-03-2016 at 12:20 AM.

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: Sundance Sectional in Weston Sand

    H&M uses only GRADE A Steer hide (not more common cowhide) as the Steer hide is less prone to stretching and puddling. This is why you see cheaper sofas that do it - they use cowhide. There is not one leather that is better or worse at it as far as I know. Use standard cores or even extra firm / extra full to minimize, but like wisedj said, don't get them so firm you won't enjoy them.
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  5. #55
    ViviV Guest

    Default Re: Sundance Sectional in Weston Sand

    Got it! pooling issue is settled in my head. Thanks. I might send you a request for samples tomorrow Duane. I am crazily scouring through all the pics I find of the leathers I'd like to order and eliminating as I go.

    One question (one more I should say, sorry , ) Do you think Tiburon Mink or Mesquite Saddle would look good in the Lacross sectional? Mainly concerned for its tuffed arms and not wanting a mega rustic leather on it because of that. Do you think these are super rustic once on a big scale? the samples are buttery soft and although they show pressure marks and scratches, these come out easily when rubbed. Have you ever done the Lacross in either Tiburon or Mesquite?

  6. #56
    Jake8 Guest

    Default Re: Sundance Sectional in Weston Sand

    ViviV.... when we ordered our first samples, Mesquite Saddle was easily our favorite. If we had ordered then, we would have definitely gone with it. Because I am anal and don't make final decisions easily, we got more samples. In all, I think we got 5 or 6 different shipment of samples. We've got a gazillion of them! The mesquite was still tops on our list. Then we found ourselves at a store and looked at every H&M sample and fell in love with the Tiburon leather. The choice was then Mink or Java. I liked them both equally. My husband preferred the Java. Decision made. Odd that we went from the light colored Mesquite Saddle to the dark Tiburon Java! Can't explain it.... it just feels right.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Default Re: Sundance Sectional in Weston Sand

    I think a pull up looks great on tufts, but idk if you are getting it tuft-less or not? Anywhere the leather is pulled tight is going to show that light tan color that you like (flip over your sample and look at the back.) I dont think tiburon mink looks rustic at all, but it does look give a more informal/ casual feel to my eye than Java. Just depends on what look you love most, but you might want to get a Java sample just so you can see it for yourself .

    Funny jake8, I originally did not want dark either. In fact, I believe I told my dark sofa loving husband that we are NOT getting a dark sofa . I started out looking at caramel, tan, taupe, pewter... I have a huge pile of samples too . Tiburon Java was not even in any of my sample orders. He did not care for the really light ones eithers. When I realized how much I liked pull ups, I ordered some tiburon and tuscany, and tiburon java about took my breath away the moment I got it. Java just has so much life in it and richness both in color and feel with "no rusticness". None of the photos do it justice. My samples show an almost caramel color burst when it is pulled tight. I cant wait to see it on my big beauty .

  8. #58
    ViviV Guest

    Default Re: Sundance Sectional in Weston Sand

    Hi Savannah and Jake8,

    Thanks for all your opinions and input. You are such great help to me and it seems that we think somewhat alike! Well you've seen my current living room set in the picture I posted here.... it's a solid, chocolate brown microfiber (grrrrr...yikes!!) sofa/loveseat set from Lazyboy that I have hated from the day of its delivery 9 years ago. (if my DH reads this, he'll strangle me! :O) It's so.... SOLID and boring. To its credit, it's immaculate, no stains, rips, wear, etc. But my initial thoughts were NOT to buy a solid leather sectional. And for sure not dark brown. I wanted fabric and stumbled across Duane's posts on furniture in the Gardenweb forums as he was giving advice on Taylor King's line. I followed links to this site and the rest is history.

    I read so much about leather and H&M that I decided to go see H&M's pieces at Louis Shanks in Houston. After seeing, touching and smelling the sets on display, I was convinced this was going to be what I wanted to commit for the next living room set. BUT in a light color. I then saw BeboGal's Weston Sand sundance sectional and loved it. I opened my samples packet this week on Monday and you know the rest. Weston Sand's color is nice but the husband hated it and I kind of wish it had more texture.

    So after eliminating it, and looking at the other samples, Tiburon Mink and Mesquite stand out as well as Hyde Park Tan. The true brown of the Tib Mink is amazing. And it has interest, depth and its sooooo soft too. I've asked Duane for other leather samples to compare other colors and other pull ups. I don't know where this will end and what hubby and I will end up agreeing to order.

    Thanks for your input. It makes me feel so much better to know this was a difficult process for others and that I am not crazy. I felt so bad asking for the 2nd batch of samples from Duane :S and I hope they come in the bigger size because the tiny ones are almost no use at all. I cant wait to see both of your sofas in Tiburon java. I am thinking of leaving the tuffing in the Lacross arms after all Savannah. Maybe we'll just remove the buttons on the kick plate area and change the leg to a simple one. And you're right, a pull up leather might make the tuffing very unique to look at.


  9. #59
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Default Re: Sundance Sectional in Weston Sand

    Leaving the tufted arms alone, removing those buttons, and doing simple legs is exactly what I was going to do! Cant wait to see it when you get it all figured out. Ha, don't feel bad; I asked for samples 4 times. If you want larger, you have to ask for it. I would wait until you have it narrowed down to a few final choices, though.
    Last edited by Savannah; 03-03-2016 at 08:14 PM.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Beautiful Texas Hill Country

    Default Re: Sundance Sectional in Weston Sand


    This thread has been interesting for several reasons. Thanks for posting all the terrific photos of your pieces, layouts, and other details. The Weston Sand used on your sectional is very, very pretty. Everything looks light and airy. Your sunroom is another job well done. Your attention to details is inspiring, which reminds me to mention the blue porch ceiling.

    My Mammaw, great aunt, and stepmom long ago informed me that one always, always paints the porch ceiling sky blue because it keeps wasps and dirt daubers from building their nests there. According to this bit of sage advice, those little nest builders are tricked into thinking it is open sky and as such, is not a space protected from the elements. I'm not claiming that's officially, scientifically verified, but I will tell you I never...never...ever...saw any signs of insect nests in the corners of those ladies' porches!

    Additionally, I am most appreciative for you and Duane relating the delivery experience. Although I usually tend to be a glass half full kind of girl, I do like being (or feeling?) prepared. Your post definitely helped do that as I anticipate the day my pieces are delivered. Stuff happens. I certainly am old enough to know that! Having said that, your post was a great reminder as to the importance of keeping calm, being thorough, and remaining polite. Thanks for taking the time to relate your story.

    Lastly, BevoGal, I have to say it... Gig 'Em, Aggies!


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