Yes, you are correct. Many of these delivery companies will arrive and tell you they are late and have to go quickly. That's not your problem - it's THEIR problem. Don't be rushed.

In the scenario I first described above, the customer got re-delivery of their sectional this week and it was perfect - it just took two weeks longer for them to enjoy it due to that driver doing what he did. I still don't know why he did that - however Sun Delivery management called me and told me they had a serious discussion with that driver and he will never do that again.

Another one of the things you do not want to do is take a delivery after sundown. As we head into Fall and the days get shorter, there may be some pressure to accept deliveries after dark. I think this is ALWAYS a bad idea and you are within your rights to insist upon a daylight delivery. You just can't do a good inspection when it's dark out, and if you see a flaw or something that needed to be addressed the next day in the light, it's too late.