Yay! Just remember to give it a full 2 weeks minimum before relying on it to protect you. Our Women's UCONN basketball coach is currently quarantined after testing positive for COVID shortly after receiving the second vaccine. Since it can take up to 2 weeks after exposure to turn positive on tests, it is possible he was exposed before the second shot too, but either way, you aren't free and clear yet. Lets hope the new variants are all controlled by the Pfizer. So far it appears they are. I am glad you are that much closer to being safe. The data isn't out yet but so far it is looking like the risk of also being a carrier and passing it along after you are vaccinated is very low. That protects your customers as well. Lets hope the data verifies that when we finally have the numbers. I am always happy when people share that they have gotten the vaccine. It might seem less scary to those who are still reluctant.