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Thread: Looking for couch's power recliner motor

  1. #1

    Default Looking for couch's power recliner motor

    5670158 Ashley Furniture Toletta - Chocolate Laf Zero Wall Power Recliner

    Product page:

    Ashley sent a mostly compatible motor to replace the dead original. It works okay for now. Want to find the original motor info for the future. They sent it for free even though the warranty was expired. Unfortunately, they no longer have any parts at all for this couch. I called Ashley's parts # and they gave me two useless part numbers that are probably just used internally (31090rp and zdh290020a-c.)

    Contacted as they sell lots of furniture motors.

    They said, "We have replaced a bunch of these RMT motors. This is what it is being replaced by: We have successfully put this motor in a lot of Ashley product that had your motor."

    This motor is the same as the not original replacement that's in it now.

    I once searched for the motor on eBay using it's part number and it was only around $40. The one sent by that company is $120.

    Specs for the current not original motor:

    Remacro Machinery & Technology (Wujiang) Co., LTD

    Model: R8121


    24V = 50W 2.1A

    Duty Cycle: 1 min ON/ 8 min OFF

    Prod date: 2022/06/02

    S/N: 1D2022060201167

    Speed: 27mm/s

    Stroke: 245mm

    Max load: 1500N

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: Looking for couch's power recliner motor

    Looks like YOU are the expert on this! Getting any parts of of China is next to impossible. Most the time the pieces go in the landfill on Ashley. Good luck
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

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