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Thread: Indirect sunlight

  1. #1
    naplesam Guest

    Default Indirect sunlight

    As I continue to do my research, fading is my only real concern about unprotected leather. I want the non-slick feel, but our sofa will receive a good deal of INDIRECT sunlight. It will also sit next to sliding glass doors that are open much of the winter (Southwest Florida). Our last upholstered sofa, recently donated, did fade, so I am concerned about it with unprotected leather.

    Is there a "happy medium"? Or is indirect sunlight not a concern?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: Indirect sunlight?

    Sun damage is always a concern, not only with leather but with all things in the room. Even indirect sunlight can destroy the color of things over time.

    Your first line of defense is to install a solar film on the sliding glass doors that has a high UV block. They don't even have to be dark, some films are very light (I have them on all the windows of my house except the north facing ones). Next is to use Leather Magics SPF 80 Sun Shield spray. And a finished leather will not fade as rapidly as a pure aniline. Finally you can do what my wife and I do (we have a very bright family room with many large windows). When we are at work during the week, we cover the leather with throws on the top and arms. Seems a little extreme for some, but its very effective.
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

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