Duane, I am SO envious. Can you post a picture?

Throughout our long-married life, our home furnishing philosophy has been to "buy the best quality we can afford even if we have to do without something else for awhile". This has served us ever so well because our furniture lasts and has taken the abuse of over 20 moves.

I made it my mission to work on the "something else". Soon after my husband and I returned from our first Army tour in Germany with babe in crib, we needed furniture desperately. (See our philosophy above.) Although I had never refinished furniture, I bought several how-to books and began looking for furniture to fix up or refinish. Of the many pieces I refinished over the years, I am still using some almost 40 years later. Our children also have some of these now that they have families of their own.

I restored a beautiful mahogany veneered chifferobe in the mid-80s. Last year, no longer needing this and the children not wanting it, I traded to have part of my house painted in exchange for the chifferobe. (Keith still "owes" me 5 hours of painting.)

Just before Christmas, I visited our local Habitat for Humanity Resale Store and found a table that came from the local Hilton hotel. It is 30" x 60" with a solid 1 1/2" mystery wood top and beautifully turned 4"x4" post legs. I have no idea what the top wood is but it must weigh 50 lbs!!! The legs are very very heavy also. I have just refinished it as a dining table for my daughter and her husband and will be delivering it to their new apartment this weekend. The amazing thing is that this table only cost $10.00!

I cannot wait to find my next project.