When the kids are finally out of the house, it’s time to re-do their rooms. Being in the furniture business, there are several lines my wife and I can choose from to update the space. While Century or Jonathan Charles’s would be the first choice, do we really want to spend that much to dress out a room that will see little to no actual use? Instead we opted for a fresh coat of paint, Hooker’s Affinty Bedroom collection, a pair of Wildwood lamps (Marketplace), and a Kingsdown Mattress instead of a Royal Pedic. With linens and artwork, around $6k.
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
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Looks great! This is a timely post as my girlfriend and I just moved apartments this week and I'm looking forward to doing some deal hunting to up the bedroom and living room. In our old apartment it was just a place to sleep, wasn't inviting, welcoming.
One of the little tips I can pass along is to remember that your home is where you spend your time. While its always nice to go out on the town, on vacation, etc., you want to make where you live every day the best it can be. Have a plan on each room on what you want to do, then balance that with a budget target to get to that look. Try to get one room fully complete before you move to the next one, it may take some time to get them all done, but that's the best way.
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.
Congratulations on the move! Transforming your new space into a cozy haven sounds exciting. Here's to finding the perfect deals to make your bedroom and living room truly inviting! PM KISAN