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Thread: Which H&M leather feels most similar to the leather in RH Lancaster sofa?

  1. #1
    Cookie Guest

    Red face Which H&M leather feels most similar to the leather in RH Lancaster sofa?

    The restoration hardware store is in the same building as my work place, so I went in and tried the Lancaster extra-large sofa in the Italian Brompton Cocoa color. I love how the leather feels and looks -- very thick, not shiny, and not slippery.

    I then did some research online, and it seems H&M produces higher-quality sofa than RH. So I am thinking about getting an H&M sofa that would feel and look similar to that Lancaster sofa. Probably H&M settlement sofa (4192). I cannot try it or see large leather samples since there is no retailer nearby. I certainly will request some color samples but as Duane said before, the samples could be fairly different from the real product.

    So my question to you experts is, which H&M leather(s) would feel (and perhaps look) most similar to the leather used in Lancaster sofa (in Brompton Cocoa), that is, very thick, not shiny, and not slippery?

    About me wanting to get thick leather -- this has nothing to do with durability. I just love how it feels on my skin.
    Last edited by Cookie; 05-25-2011 at 06:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: Which H&M leather feels most similar to the leather in RH Lancaster sofa?

    The problem is I have no idea what the RH leathers is like! If you can mail a swatch of it to my store I can easily match it into something similar from H&M. It appears to be a waxy pull-up hide, but that's just a guess.
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  3. #3
    Cookie Guest

    Default Re: Which H&M leather feels most similar to the leather in RH Lancaster sofa?

    You are right - RH website says it is finished with wax and oils. I just requested some leather swatch from RH. Hope they will come soon.

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