New members please read
This forum is for all to exchange information. Please be considerate of your fellow members. Advice is free, and worth exactly what you pay for it! 
There will be no pop-up ads here and though the software requires you to register to post , I don't do anything with the information as list owner, it is neither gathered or sold. This is a forum designed as a community to exchange information. The Keeping Room is my store, and I pay for this site and bandwidth, but other than that, consider it open and welcome to all.
If you come here to argue, you won't be here long. If you come here to slam a maker and have an axe to grind....likewise. If you start name-calling or otherwise disparage the host or anyone else because of their opinions - you will be banned without a warning.
All questions should be posted to the forum.
Do Not Spam the Forum. If choose to do so, you will be banned and your forum posts deleted. Do not put imbedded links in your posts, that's an infraction.
If you operate a furniture business, you may post a free ad in the VENDOR CLASSIFIED section of of this forum. Do not place ads or link to your business in regular discussion groups as they will be deleted and you may be banned as well.
Registration is required to make posts or reply to threads.
While the forum is free to use for all furniture topics, please do NOT call my store asking for information on products we do not carry, Craigslist finds, how to repair your broken chair that's been in the family for 100 years, etc. The forum is the venue to use for that sort of thing.
Finally, the content posted here is the opinion of the person doing the posting, and The Keeping Room in no way endorses or censors the opinions of others, nor is responsible for the content of other's postings. If you are a manufacturer and do not care for the comments on your product do not expect them to be removed or edited.
-Duane Collie
Last edited by drcollie; 08-26-2022 at 04:52 PM.
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.