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Thread: Leather Dining Room Chairs

  1. #1
    Cdirect Guest

    Default Leather Dining Room Chairs

    Hi Duane,

    I am currently in the market for purchasing 6 dining room chairs. I am looking for side chairs to save space in a leather finish, with strong build quality.

    I live in the Phoenix area and have recently been to our local high end furniture stores in search for leather dining room chairs and have found that most chairs are built in China or different parts of Asia with questionable build quality.

    Now I have resorted to looking online and found one manufacture in NC that allow you to customize according to leather color, wood trim and nail head trim similar to H&M.
    The company is Carrington Court Direct. I have ordered some leather samples in the meantime.

    My plan is to purchase one chair to test it out and if we like it, purchase the rest since we will not to be able to sit in it prior to purchasing.

    Can you please advise if you are familiar with the quality of this company or do you have some other recommendations for companies that produce some good quality dining chairs built in the US?

    I attached 2 pics of the dining room table we recently purchased.

    - Chris
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  2. #2
    Cdirect Guest

    Default Re: Leather Dining Room Chairs

    Here is a link to the chair we like. We really like the Standford Mushroom and Suede leathers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: Leather Dining Room Chairs

    While I'm not really familiar with Carrington Court I can tell you that chairs like this in general are difficult to build (labor intensive) and most are done as bare frame imports. At a price point of $ 300 + dollars in leather, I can almost guarantee that they are made in either Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines or China. I'm sure they are upholstered in NC using various imported leathers, but if you're looking for 100 % USA build expect to spend $ 1K and up on a chair like this in leather. Being imported doesn't make them a bad or inferior chair as there are both good and not so good imports.

    How a chair is made determines their structure strength, not country of origin. The strongest chairs will have pinned mortise and tenon construction. A step down from that is doweled and glued construction. They are not as strong as a Mortise and Tenon chair and the dowel joints can and will loosen with age. Unfortunately, unless you can see a photo of the piece without the upholstery on it there is no way to tell. But at $ 300 +, they're going to be dowel joint chairs.

    Good luck with your purchase!
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  4. #4
    Cdirect Guest

    Default Re: Leather Dining Room Chairs

    Thanks for the info Duane.

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