Hi Duane!
Finally received our LaCross sofa today just the way we wanted it and absolutely LOVE IT! The Capri Butternut is so soft and inviting. It got a big "thumbs up" from the entire family! Delivery by Sun Delivery, Inc. was seamless despite our tricky circular driveway. One concern we have however is an indentation, dimple along the inside of one of the arms. I can feel the padding indent when I run my hand over it. Not sure if it will relax over time. What do you think?Other than that the sofa is flawless. What beautiful workmanship by H & M!
Also definitely want to order a cleaning kit from you...for Capri Butternut with UV protection. Should I call in an order?
Thanks so much!
(having difficulty uploading all pictures - hopefully the ones attached come through - will try again with the others as they show the problem - sorry)
Hi Duane!
Just want to let you know, just like you said (in another post with picture), the dimple is practically gone!Love the sofa and am already getting multiple compliments about both the soft leather and quality workmanship! BTW do I register the sofa on the H & M website?
Now my husband has put me in search of "his own special" recliner/lounger. Unfortunately we cannot agree on a style that will compliment our new "beauty." He saw and liked the Justice and Ritz lounger but I keep telling him they are both a mismatch to the La Cross and chair 1/2 in the room. Do you have any suggestions? Any chairs in your store that might be a "quick ship" possibility? We are open to having a chair and ottoman as well - as long as it is comfortable to lay back on, watch tv and no doubt, nap on. Also aside from matching the chair to the sofa (in Capri Butternut), can you suggest any leathers that would be complimentary?
I read the recent post about H & M changes so I realize time is of essence. Would love your thoughts since you have the expertise/knowledge to point us in the right direction. Thanks so much! Have a great day!
Yes! You can do your warranty registration right on the H&M website, and its really a good idea to do so in case your selling dealer goes out of business, drops the line, etc.
I think Justice and Ritz may be too small for your husband, those are not very big. If he's average size, then the ones I would tend to recommend to go with a LaCross sofa would be:
Leathers to go with Capri Buttternut....that depends! Does he want the same soft, luxury feel of Capri? Or something different? Hand-Antiqued Sunset Burnished would be a great combo - but burnished leathers are a different breed of leather as you probably know. They have more color in them and are harder, and slicker. Imperial Whiskey Burnished could be another.
Hope that helps!
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.
BEAUTIFUL sofa. I have to ask though, on the H&M website the LaCross is shown with tufting to the arms and the front base, which we're not so keen on, but lynhig's sofa is without. Was this a special order? It looks like a great size sofa for a large room and I love the leather choice. Congrats!
Yes, that was done custom without the tufting in those areas by request (and it did carry an upcharge to do so)
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.
Hi Mountainlion
Glad Duane answered your question about my sofa since it escaped me. IMHO the upcharge was nominal and well worth the charge/change to get it the way we wanted! We are so pleased with EVERYTHING about the sofa. If you have any more questions about the LaCross, please feel free to message me.
Hello Duane,
I'm a new member here and I have been absorbing as much as I can on your site. Your information is so helpful. I know that this is an older post but it appears that the Lacrosse sofa is no longer on the H and M website. What other models would most closely approximate this look in your opinion? I am looking for something like this.
Thanks so much.
The LaCross style is / was fairly conventional, with the exception of the button-tufted back, which really gave it some presence if the sofa was floated in the room vs being up against the wall. If you are looking for button tufted back, then it would be the Sundance or Redford from H&M. If that tufting is unimportant, then perhaps the Doyle sofa, which is similar but taller in the back.
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.