Can anyone comment on whether there is a major difference in comfort between the two? I much prefer the style and looks of the club chair but am worried ill regret not getting a recliner for comfort reasons.
IMHO, you should choose whatever is comfortable for you - your tastes change throughout life, but that comfy recliner will always stay your favorite! I do have to admit that I was NEVER comfortable in them - I am tall with long limbs and felt always out of proportions on ANY recliner I tried - for me, it's like wearing a dress that is too short LOL! Correction - I haven't tried a H&M recliner yet.
A third option that gives you the advantages of both a club chair/ottoman and a recliner is the H&M tilt back chairs. They are definitely my choice. The Austin tilt back in regular or high back with ottoman is probably the most comfortable chair
H&M makes. It will tilt back to a position similar to an extended recliner, it can be set to any angle/position rather than the fixed stops of a recliner. The ottoman gives more leg support than a recliner and doubles as an extra seat for the times the family or friends are visiting.
I love the look of club chairs, too. I have two club chairs that I think look great, but my back started hurting when I started sitting in one as my primary chair in my den at home. My husband's back started hurting, too, and so we dug back our our decade(s?)-old recliners that we had stuck away. Presto, no more back problems, and a desire for new non-blue recliners.
I will never again go for style over comfort for My chair. Chairs for other people can look prettier than my recliner. After all, when I'm sitting in it, I can't see it.
Thank you for the feedback all. I decided to go with a tilt-back Club Chair and an ottoman.
One of the things to note in premium brand pieces is that ANY recliner from ANY maker simply cannot be as strong and sturdy as a tilt back or club chair. A recliner is basically a mechanism with a drop-in spring grid around which a frame is bolted to. A Club Chair or Tilt Back is a proper, full framed piece with webbing and 8-way hand-tied springs system. It will sit better and last longer than a recliner given the same number of hours use. The downside of the Club Chair/Ottoman thing is overall they will cost more as you are buying (2) pieces instead of (1) and the ottoman takes up floor space.
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
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