I'm a leather choice away from ordering from Duane my new living room furniture but I'm horridly stuck. Please help me if you have an opinion one way or the other on these two leathers : Cameo Mocha Burnished and Gaucho Mocha Burnished. They look A LOT a like but are not totally the same. I think Gaucho is "shinier" and lighter /redder toned than Cameo Mocha which seems more matte and deep brown in color. Am I right in thinking that a piece upholstered in Cameo Mocha will have less shade/tones variations (more solid color) than Gaucho Mocha ? Is Cameo a better quality leather than Gaucho? Or is Gaucho better? Which would you choose? which do you have? Help please, any opinion would help.
Or do I just flip a coin? ;>
Last edited by ViviV; 08-23-2016 at 06:25 PM.
This is kinda like Coke and Pepsi, the two are so close together that if I didn't tell you which was which, you'd likely not be able to tell. I'm pretty well an expert in the current leather offerings from H&M and if I were given a swatch of each with no label on them, I'd not be able to tell you which was which.
The fact they are burnished leather means every one is slightly different as well, because they are hand-done. So that means sheen will vary as will color tones even with the same leather (i.e., one Gaucho Mocha will vary from another Gaucho Mocha). They are both Italian hides and truthfully - just flip a coin. That's how close they are to one another.
Last edited by drcollie; 08-23-2016 at 10:33 PM.
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.
Thanks Duane! I'm taking votes at home for the 2 different hides. So far one kid (8yr old), husband and Weenie, our dachshund, have voted for Cameo Mocha and other kid (teenager) said that he doesn't care. So the Cameo Mocha is winning right now.I'm seeking help from anyone who'll entertain my dilemma, can you tell?
So assuming Cameo Mocha, what nails would you add? I like the "old gold" nails but there's no matching larger nail and the 5712 Emilio needs a large nail for the gimp. So I'm leaning towards the A, AA. Do you think that would be "too bright" on the dark leather? Which one would you pick? Maybe R & S? Also, should nails match between the leather pieces (Emilio sofa, chair, ottomans) and the fabric pieces? The Cross Moore Swivel Chairs will be upholstered in Rampone Pewter (TK fabric) which is somewhat ornate and "soft" looking and have nails as well. I think the A nail would be best for them.
On the wood finish....what wood finish comes "standard" if one doesn't specify one?
Lastly, can the legs on the ottoman 5712 Emilio be swapped for casters?
Thanks for the input and putting up with all my questions! We're almost there.....
Question: the H&M website describes these two leathers rather differently. I added underlining to what seemed to me the defining qualities of each. So I'm now wondering if Cameo has any pull-up and does Gaucho really have a nicer hand... or if the writers were just waxing poetic?![]()
"Gaucho is an unprotected leather that has some desirable "pull-up" characteristics. As the leather is pulled tight in upholstery, the natural color changes shades from light to dark. The hand bouncing process is then applied locking in the unique shades and adding another layer of patina"
"Cameo has its roots in the European country homes of France and England. The leather was sourced to have soft, luxurious hand and has a timeless appearance. The colors chosen reflect natures beauty. Natural markings will be visible and should be appreciated as such. Cameo has no protective finish."
I think that's mostly prose....lol
If you have the swatches in hand, especially if you have the 6" x 8"'s, go by your senses. And there should be photos of both made up in the Leather library.
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.
To me cameo has the softer, more luxurious feel. Gaucho has a stiffer hand and seems to have a heavier coat of wax. Cameo seems to have less variations (highs and lows) of tones in it than Gaucho. It might be because it's a pull up.
Will do Duane. Thanks!
Last edited by ViviV; 08-24-2016 at 01:46 PM.
are the L natural and C Moore nails the same color? They look like "a pair" to me from the picture posted on the forum but need your confirmation. Would you mind looking at the board when you are in the store tomorrow and letting me know? I am aiming for a color of nail between the A/AA (too bright) and R/S (too dull,rustic) but the ones I like which are L and DD have no large nail companion. But L and C look like they might be a matching pair. Are they??
p.s. I could not find one picture in "the library" (or the entire forum for that matter) of a sofa or chair made out in Cameo Mocha. Only pictured as gimp or weltDoes nobody order that color of Cameo? I found several oldies of pieces in Gaucho.
Yes V, the "L" and "C" nails are the same, just different sizes. They are duller and blacker than the "R" and "S" combo, however.
The photo library is what it is! If not in there, I won't have any more to show. Lots of folks that do buy from me don't post photos however - so there's pieces out there among forum members perhaps someone that has one can step up and take some shots?
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.
Really? Blacker than r&s? Ok. I'm back to A/AA or R/S.
No complains on the photo library, I think it's massive! It was just that I couldn't find a single piece done in Cameo Mocha as the main leather and wondered if it's not a popular choice. I found several pics of Gaucho Mocha though. Still leaning towards Cameo Mocha. It's soooo soft and has the wonderful color of a Hershey Milk Chocolate bar!
My last set of samples should arrive today or tomorrow though so we'll see if Buckingham Walnut or Buckingham Cocoa doesn't win us over.
Does anyone out there have a Cameo Mocha piece that could kindly post a picture?
Last edited by ViviV; 08-25-2016 at 08:32 PM.
I don't have a pic of the Cameo Mocha, but I do have a picture of my Emilio sofa in Gaucho Mocha Burnished (with R nails).
Keep in mind, the Emilio sofa (if that's the piece you're interested) off the Town & Country promotion comes in Gaucho Mocha Burnished. It may be a $ savings vs. Cameo.
The Gaucho leather is stiffer with a wax coating. Like all burnished leathers, it squeaks a bit.