Bradington Young 960 Series Motion Sectional Loveseat in leather 918600-48
I had a customer order one of these and I thought it was a very cool concept piece. So, I also ordered one for my store. A lot of clients are interested in dual power loveseats, however they always are looking for a place to rest their arm on the inside. This console give a perfect spot to do so, and it has a couple of cupholders, put a compartment that opens and is large enough for two iPads, and has its own powered USB sockets for chargers. The Recliners themselves are fully motorized and have power articulating headrests so you can dial in that perfect position for TV watching. Best of all, this is a three piece interconnecting unit, which means it can go down into tight basement stairs or into otherwise difficult delivery challenges. Series is 960, these are pieces -18, -17, -07 in leather 918600-48. You can use different arms, different backs and bases in your customer order build to get it as you like to suit your style . See all the variations here:

In my store on 2nd floor to test drive or purchase at a floor model discount.
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
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