Hancock & Moore, as well as Jessica Charles (sister company) always do their price revisions end of June every year, just like clockwork. This is when they take price increases and revise the Town and Country program as well, with adds and drops in the latter. They also take the first week of July off on vacation and are closed, so they time the price increase to arrive during their vacation so we dealers can't call to raise a ruckus about it! (we don't like it any more than you do). Now, I don't have a crystal ball and can't say if there is going to be a general price increase. There may or may not be, and I can't get it out of anyone ahead of time. Some years its the whole line, across the board as a percentage and some years I see just 1/3 the line go up. For certain there will be items going in and out of the Town and Country program and likely price increases there.

Just knowing what I do about the leather industry, I think 2014 will have increases as there is a Beef shortage worldwide. Less Cattle means less product for the consumers and that in turn usually means higher prices both at the supermarket and leather furniture makers. But I am just speculating and have no evidence other then what I read in the trade journals.

If you are considering a H&M purchase - you may want to complete it before end of June. I'm pretty sure prices won't go down - they never go down...lol. Good news is once we get past this pricing event that will go into effect early July, they will leave them alone until January 2015.