found your site by accident the other day on some garden website forum that popped up in google. I've read many of your posts the last couple of days and I must compliment you for taking your personal time to help people, like me, that really don't know where to go to get furniture information and honest advice.
I belong to a blog community in Illinois and I am going to post your site for others to see. I think more people would buy higher quality furniture if there were more people like you out there to educate them.

I would appreciate your advice, I am shopping for some furniture for our newly remodeled family room and kitchen which are both small (about 225sf each) and open to each other. I've been looking for the following items:
1) Entertainment center - Hooker seems to be catching my eye.
2) Pub style kitchen table (informal, but sharp) - I've been looking at Canadel, however the price seems to be steep for casual
3) Sofa, Chair, Ottoman - My wife has been interested in a "USA Premium Leather" outfit that is on clearance in a local liquidation...Boy I'm glad I found your posts....The are misleading people just like I have read. I am looking for a casual, comfy, poofy leather couch, chair, and ottoman. I was hoping to spend $3000 - $3500.

Do you have any lines you would recommend or could you help point me in another direction?

Also, one leather question I have not found an answer for, I was looking at very comfy natuzzi sofa/chair outfit that had "natural" leather. It seemed very thick, soft, and comfy. The sales lady was very nice and told me up front that it will stain easily and eventually "patina" out and wear beautifully. There is no protection coating on the leather. Is this a good leather and why do I not see it anywhere else. It was a close out package of sofa and chair for 1999 at an established privately owned store approximately 2 hours from my home.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and assistance.