Hello. My wife and I recently moved into a new house West of Philadelphia and while this has been an exciting process, we're now ready to fulfill one of our most important life aspirations... becoming proud owners of a quality leather sectional. We have decided that the best configuration for a sectional in our livingroom would be a 3 seat sofa with a chaise lounge attatched on the end, however, it seems that this will really limit our choices to something custom made.

Anyway last weekend we decided to visit some showrooms in the Philadelphia area. We wanted to actually sit in some sofas (Hancock & Moore, etc) to find out what we like, and see if we could get at least a ballpark estimate for something made in our desired configuration.
One particular store had a very nice leather sofa that we both thought was very comfortable. When I asked the salesman about it he said it was their "custom line", made in the same fashion as Hancock and Moore (hardwood frame, 8-way hand tied, etc.). He had a couple of H&M sofas as well but not the ones we were interested in.
He said that getting a sectional custom made from H&M would cost a fortune and that this is why he started with his own custom line. His custom furniture comes from N.C., i think he said Durham, and it's a shop that his company "has a stake in". That's about all the info I could get about it. We picked out a leather and he gave us a quote of about $6200 (without actually crunching all the numbers).

What are your thoughts? I'm skeptical of the "custom line" mostly because of the way he was pushing it. He first made it sound as if he built the furniture right in the back of the shop, and when I asked him questions about it, he seemed defensive.
Also, is it true that an H&M sectional made in our desired configuration would cost a fortune? Are there any other quality leather sectionals you can think of that are already made in our desired configuration (so we wouldn't incur the cost of ordering something customized)?

Thanks in advance for any advice. I feel I am already in debt to this forum for the wealth of knowledge it has provided me!