... with the upcoming price increase on Hancock and Moore I am flooded with emails and Private Messages and its kind of like a sale in reverse! I simply cannot keep up with the volume of PM's and emails, sorry.... Some will have to go unanswered or not be completely answered (here is is 1:15 a.m. in the morning and I am trying to swim out of them all). There are dozens of them plus the store to tend to and phones to answer and I am just one person! Again a reminder to ask questions here in the forum, not in Private Messages and Emails, please use those for pricing info only, etc. And you can help me out a lot by using model numbers instead of names on pieces, and listing your full city/state/zip and not just your zip code for delivery pricing (I have to go to the net using your zip code to look up your city and state). When you request samples, please do it in this format EXACTLY, that way I can simply cut and paste...again saves me lots of time! Thank you!

John Doe
1234 Main St
Anytown, USA

Document Claret
Equestrian Merlot
Ryan Chestnut
Williamsburg Cherry