We are looking for a new Wing Back sofa/love seat, there are not many makers of this style that I can find but I have found two. One is a Masterfield (80-1900), the other is a Friendship (3782-2), I have seen a Masterfield product in the show room and liked the firmness of it even though it wasn't the style we were looking for. We visited another store that has Friendship models and I found the product to be OK. But I have some questions:

1. Are there other company's that I have missed that make Wing Back sofa's?
2. How would you rank the company's that I have found so far in quality/workmanship?
3. Regarding cushion firmness, does either company have a better quality product in this area that will last longer?

I want to spend my money wisely and purchase furniture that will last, whatever help and input that the forum can provide will be greatly appreciated.
